Near a quiet back corner of the waiting area, a small figure nervously approached one of the attendants in charge of directing the competitors. Simple pink blouse, capris, hair hidden by a plain cap... overall, this person looked remarkably normal compared to some of the avatars' unusual getup. The only thing that stood out about this girl was the somewhat eerie silver mask she wore, covering all of her face except for her squinting eyes. The attendant leaned down to hear the girl quietly speak to him. After a bit of conversation, the girl nodded and returned to her spot in the corner, looking down the whole time. She sat on the floor next to a Pokemon. The Lucario put a reassuring paw on her shoulder, and the girl's tense posture relaxed a bit. Then she watched as the attendant she spoke to conversed with a handful of other volunteers. After a couple minutes, they seemed to come to a consensus. For now, the masked girl could only hope it was in her favor.