[hider=Sam Thompson] Name: Samantha Thompson [hider=Appearance] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f8/97/e1/f897e192a49e5ec0bed7660f3cebb986.jpg[/img] [/hider] Alias: The Scavenger Age: 21 Gender: Female Race: Human Primary Skills*: Barter, Sneak, Repair SPECIAL*: S4 P6 E4 C7 I5 A7 L7 Gear/inventory: -Roving Trader Outfit- Samantha is constantly picking up pieces of scrap or interesting pre-war goods so the number of pockets is perfect for carrying all his goods. -Varmint Rifle- A common rifle fully loaded with 30 pieces of ammo tucked away through his various pockets -Stimpack x2 -Bobby Pin x10- One is Samanthas favorite hidden in his sock that he calls "Lucky Joe" -Water Canteen- currently filled with purified water -Rebreather- his parents found this and gave it to him. He uses it to explore underwater sunken ships for scavengable goods -Harmonica- Samantha constantly cleans and maintains the instrument in his downtime -Caravan Deck -Bottlecaps x100 -Backpack: Wonderglue, Duct tape, various scrap, Pork N'Beans x3, Scissors. Broken Compass History: Samantha originally grew up in the South Carolina area, where her parents worked as Scavengers in the area constantly moving around trying to find valuable pieces of old world tech to sell in local towns or different organizations. At some point, her family began to hear rumors that there some interesting new vaults and discoveries going on in Florida and headed down there to capitalize on the opportunity like so many scavengers before them. They had Samantha stay with some trusted friends in South Carolina as they left, fearing that the unfamiliar area could be more dangerous than they were comfortable having their daughter stay in. They were supposed to return quickly, but Samantha never heard from them again after they left. Whether they ever managed to arrive in Florida or if they were taken by raiders on the road down, she does not know. Samantha hopes despite how unlikely it is that they are alive and have been prevented from returning for some reason. Back home in South Carolina, things were not going well for her. The settlement that she had been staying in suffered a raider attack of its own and was wiped out due to having inadequate defenses against such a thing. Samantha managed to sneak out of the remnants undetected, but had only the clothes upon her back. She wandered through South Carolina for a while scavenging like her family had taught her, just enough so that she could survive. Eventually she met a man who called himself Achilles, a gun slinging wanderer, who took a shine to Samantha and took her under his wing providing her with new clothing, food, and basic training with weapons. For a time, Samantha felt as thought she belonged to a family again. She would always handle the negotiations for Achilles and the jobs they would take, since Achilles had very little skill in social situations preferring to shoot first and ask questions later. They made a very decent team together. However, all good things must come to an end at some point. Samantha and Achilles got themselves involved in the wrong job, signing up to a man who claimed to be a Vault Dweller from a newly opened vault seeking help. It turned out that despite the man's reputation around the area, he was nothing more than a persuasive criminal on the run from the Enclave. In the final shoot-out, Achilles, the false Vault Dweller, and the other recruits they had gathered were killed leaving Samantha on her own again. After making her way from the scene, she eventually found her way to a nearby settlement and began scavenging again. She made some good finds the best being her Rebreather which made underwater scavenge much more plausible than before giving her an edge over the other scavenging locals. While there, she heard tale of what had happened in Florida. She decided to go down there thinking that the more dangerous the area the better finds would await her and hoping, in her heart of hearts, that she would be able to find some clue as to what had happened to her mother and father. [/hider]