[hr][hr][center][h2][color=mediumvioletred]Floure Camlo[/color][/h2][/center][hr][hr] Floure was convinced the fall had lead to her death and she was now in the Shadow Lands of Traveler legend. It looked like the place she imagined it would be, dark, cold and desolate. It felt like she was floating somewhere in between, between consciousness and dream. But something sharp digging into her back brought her back to reality with a relentless stinging sensation. The pain caused her to feel everything else that her numbed senses had failed to pick up before. She was laying on her back on some kind of sand, up high she could see a slight crack of daylight but it was barely the size of a thin branch. It was a work of magic that she was still alive, she attempted to hoist herself up off the sandy floor. The pain in her back didn't help but she managed either way. The young woman felt around to try and identify the cause of her pain and when she touched her medicine bag she realized in slight shock what it may have been. Some of the glass bottles in which she kept her ointments and salves had shattered upon impact with the floor. Luckily the shards hadn't pierced the tough leather otherwise she would have needed to stitch herself up, something she was never really that great at, treating her own injuries was difficult. Assured of her own state of wellbeing she immediately sought to worry about everyone else. She whipped her head around, searching for the others and though it was hard to see, their voices were all she needed. Grace asked the exact question she needed answering. If anyone was hurt she would be needed. Floure got up into a slightly wobbly standing position, the fall had shaken her up more than she realized. She walked into the direction of where she heard Grace and Emmett talking, trying her hardest to ignore her current surroundings which all together gave her chills. [color=MediumVioletRed] I'm alive I think...."[/color] She answered with a laugh. The gloomy atmosphere was best thwarted by laughter and light. The first she could muster up easily, the second one not so much. [color=MediumVioletRed] If anyone needs medical attention I think most of my supplies survived but there is not a flicker of light in this place." [/color] [color=MediumVioletRed]Where are we anyway?"[/color]. Floure asked, looking to see if there was any other way out. Climbing up would be impossible and turning them all into birds was a bit beyond her skill.