When he awoke the next morning, Kaze ate a light breakfast and set off to the location of the Tournament of Legends with Clabber and Jingle by his side. However, a poster on his way contained the details about the new stage it would be on: far underground and away from where the citizens could be hurt. As he began to change course, his mother began to tail him. So far, Kaze had done fine living without his parents in the apartments the Mayor had ensured were provided, though after yesterday's events there had been rumors of the Avatars being removed. Unfortunately for him, despite living apart from them, she had still found him. "Kaze Vayu Elwynn!" she shouted down the eerily empty hallway. [color=F5A97F][i]"Did she just use your full name?"[/i][/color] Clabber asked. [color=91ECFF][i]"Yeah,"[/i][/color] he replied. [color=91ECFF][i]"She did."[/i][/color] "What were you thinking yesterday! Getting involved in a fight like that! And you sided with the murderer! That doesn't look good on your dad and me, having a son who helps a cold-blooded, evil murderer! Don't you ever think about anyone other than yourself?" she screamed. "I [i]was[/i] thinking about other people!" Kaze retorted, not caring anymore about her opinion. Suicune and the others had helped him find his place, and he wasn't about to give that up. "I was thinking I didn't want [i]anyone[/i] to die! I wasn't picking sides! I was protecting lives! Had I not done what little I did, [i]both[/i] of them might be dead right now. And I don't think Giratina is evil; he's just misunderstood . . . like I am." "There's that selfishness again. You're grounded, Kaze!" "And how are you going to hold me back? Just face it! You've never liked me since the day Suicune chose me! But I'm done being something that should be hidden away! I'm leaving you and dad. I'm going to help people, whether you approve of it or not." "Excuse me?!" "I'm done, mom! I'm not going back to you and dad! I'm going to do the right thing! And I can't do that with you treating me like a freak accident," he finished, then turned away from her and continued on toward the tournament. After a few moments of silence, Clabber spoke up again, [color=F5A97F][i]"I . . . I can't believe you just said what you did to her."[/i][/color] [color=91ECFF][i]"What do you mean?"[/i][/color] Kaze asked in return. [color=F5A97F][i]"You were stammering and unsure of yourself yesterday when we met. But [/i]that[i] . . . that was powerful. You had authority to your voice."[/i][/color] [color=91ECFF][i]"Did I? Maybe it was just Suicune helping me out."[/i][/color] Clabber cast him an odd look. [color=F5A97F][i]"Riiiight. I'm going to keep my eyes on you, Kaze."[/i][/color] [hr] Before they arrived at their destination, the three came across a kiosk with berries for sale. "Getch yer fresh berries, here!" the salesman shouted to a nearly empty Mauville. "I'd like some," Kaze said, approaching the man and preparing his money. [color=F5A97F][i]"Oooh, get the pink, curly ones. Those are sweet,"[/i][/color] Clabber explained, seemingly mesmerized by the stack to the left of the stand. [color=91ECFF][i]"Sounds good. Maybe I'll get one for each of us."[/i][/color] [color=F5A97F][i]"Oh, please do. Been ages since someone grew one of those near my home and I've been dying to have more."[/i][/color] "What can I get for ya?" the man asked emphatically, seemingly pleased to have some business. "Three Mago Berries, please," Kaze asked politely. "Three Mago, coming right--hold on," he stopped, noticing the odd shapes on Kaze's arms. "You're one of those Avatars, aren't you?! The people who have been destroying this city? That'll be double the price for you!" "What?! But I--" Kaze began, but was interrupted. "No 'but's. Double the money or scram." But Clabber apparently didn't like that news, and was at the man's heels, snapping his claws wildly in threat, but not actually pinching anything but air. "wh-What is that thing doing?! Get it away from me!" the merchant shrieked, jumping away, but Clabber followed. "Sorry, but he really doesn't like it when he doesn't get his way. Even I can't really control him," Kaze explained before mentally continuing to Clabber, [color=91ECFF][i]"Not that I don't enjoy this. In fact, keep it up."[/i][/color] "F-fine, what'll it take to get him to leave me alone? Standard price?" But Clabber pinched again. "Half off?" This time, one of Clabber's claws clamped around the merchant's slacks, provoking another scream. "Fine! Take them for free! Just keep this thing off of me!" Clabber didn't let go until the berries were in Kaze's hands. Then he smugly let go and returned to Kaze's side, the shopkeep letting an audible sigh of relief. [color=91ECFF][i]"That was dirty. But hilarious all at the same time."[/i][/color] [color=F5A97F][i]"What can I say? I really like Mago berries."[/i][/color] Jingle also seemed deeply amused by the Corphish's performance, even going so far as to give Clabber a sort of "high-five" as they continued on their way. [hr] When Kaze arrived at the waiting area, he noticed a number of faces he didn't recognize. One man was smoking off to the side of everyone else, and to Kaze, appeared intimidating. However, one girl sat alone in a corner with a Lucario beside her, the Pokemon acting something like a bodyguard or . . . perhaps like a parent. The girl was the only person who seemed to be around Kaze's age, and was the only person he felt comfortable talking to first, despite the mask she wore, so he slowly approached her. "Hi," he greeted. "I'm Kaze, the Avatar of Suicune. Are you an Avatar by any chance?"