[color=00B2EE]"Well if you're so good at this, why don't you take the lead?"[/color] Elle asked, voice simply oozing with sarcasm as the went down the stairs into a hallway, [color=00B2EE]"Considering none of us have been here before, I'm sure you'll do fine,"[/color] she added, earning a look from Ralof. No sooner had she said this, the ceiling ahead of them caved in, blocking the hallway with the dragon's roar filling the space. Well, so much for that comment. Ralof spotted a wooden door to their left and ran for it.[color=9E9E9E] "Through here, let's go!"[/color] he prompted, going into the next room. Elle ran after him, only to realize they were about to get in yet another fight. Two imperials were already in the room, and neither of them looked too happy to see their group. Ralof had already set about going after the first one, and the second had turned his attention toward Nilovas, as he seemed to be the bigger threat. She pulled out her axe again and took a swing at him as he pushed past, catching him sharply in the chest and sending him staggering sideways, but not enough to knock him down or do severe damage. Man, she missed her sword. ( [s]geez i forgot how spicy elle was XDDD[/s] )