The undead that had attacked them had been dispatched in a most gruesome manor. Lila was sure she did not want to be on the receiving end of Fazra's hammer. The gargoyle had started to eat the much to her surprise. She may be considered a monster herself, but eating such never came to her mind. Mathias thankfully offered a reasonable solution and the body was burned. Oddly it seemed they all watched the thing slowly reduce to ashes Cyrano made his way over and decided to stop by Lila. She was not entirely sure what to make of the creature made of stone. He was not like any stone golem she'd ever seen. He was much less cobbled together and had more of a... natural appearance? She did not quite have the words to describe it ever to herself. Never the less she was asked about herself and Mathias. Shaking her head she gestured back down the tunnel they'd come from. [color=slateblue]"No not at all. I would say that it's only been a couple hours since we've met. I was rescued from the water by Sir Godfrey. I am thankful to him for that and that he did not attempt to kill me in such a helpless state."[/color] Looking around to all the others she thought it perhaps a good time to try and learn something of this place. Directed at no one in particular Lila put her hands together [color=slateblue]"I thought that as a creature of the depth I had a fairly good knowledge of the underground. However I do not recognize anything here. Even the air seems different. Do any of you know where it is we are?"[/color] Probably a bit wordy, but speaking with people wasn't the most common thing for her. It was actually quite exciting to have the chance to speak freely without the undue risk that was usually afforded her. [@squints]