[@supertinyking][@kishin asura][@thewizardguy] Doom sat on the edge the roof of an old building ,abandoned after a fire years ago.Doom stretched as he laid back ,"Today was a good day" he said to Shade chuckling."[color=1b1464]Yeah ,but you didn't have to slash that guy's car in half for parking in front of a for hydrant[/color]" Shade said ,if he could shrug he would've ,but being only a pariste in Doom's head ,he couldn't; Doom thought about it for a second ,taking in Shade's point of view."True ,true ,but better safe then..." He said as he spotted a man wearing a symbol of the cult the revived him ,he growled as he jumped down from the building an onto the street ,causing a depression in the asphalt as shadows hardened around his arm ,creating a blade that extended halfway through his forearm and a few inches past His hand."Surprise" He laughed. The cultist saw Doom ,remembering the failed ritual before cursing."You unpure demon ,you must pay for your crimes" he said as he prepared a spell."What are you gonna do ,kill me?" Doom asked as he rushed at the cultist ,but as he swung his blade at his head ,the cultist finished his spell ,sending Doom to another universe. Doom appeared in midair ,right in the hive ,before slamming in the ground."[color=003471]Where..where are we?[/color]" Shade asked as Doom stammered up."No idea ,but I don't think we're somewhere we wanna be" he said ,now to anyone else ,this guy would be a freak ,not only that ,he would also be talking to himself and would have a black sword as he got up ,seemingly Uninjured as he got up.