An old man sat high up in a tree, watching the proceedings and grumbling to himself. "The scales have been tipped to much, it's about time to add a few grains myself once more." Lighting flashed and thunder boomed as he watched a lone soldier speak below. "There's more at stake than just a Kingdom. This is the light of our world. Let us fight to keep that light alive! GLORY TO THE KING!" He shouted. A few within the small group raised their fist in unison with his. Looking down he noticed a few newcomers, and smiled a moment. He just couldn't pass up the opportunity for a smile as he lept from the tree and landed on his bare feet with a mighty thud, as if he bore a great weight. He had landed maybe ten feet or so from the small group. "Well hello there ha- er, younglings." He had to catch himself from saying something that he shouldn't, considering that he had just noticed one seemed to be part dragon. He would have to be a bit more careful about his words. No need in them knowing what he really was after all.