[@PKMNB0Y] All done! just gimme a shout if I should change anything. [hider Shanon] Name: “Shanon” Age: Approx 5 years Gender: Female [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/a719910d9083b8f84dbf53fb8858dea5/tumblr_o1uppbcjVO1r8pok9o1_1280.jpg]Appearance[/url]: on hind legs Shanon stands around 7 foot, though spends most of her time on all six. Fur is a deep marron but the mane running down the length of her spine is green. World of Origin: Original Setting. Personality: Very protective of those she calls ‘friend’ Shanon will selflessly place herself in harm’s way without a second thought. Shanon tries to be kind and wants to learn and experience as much of the world that she can before she ends, as such given half the chance Shanon will relentlessly hound a person with questions about anything and everything. Of course such a strong sense of curiosity has landed her in a number of situations and a few close calls, but it has yet to discourage her from exploring and testing the limits of her abilities. However, Shanon holds a very ‘black and white’ view of the world and those around her; if she considers someone to be a threat to her or another’s well-being she will express, and possibly follow through with, her desire to end them. Normally in such cases she will try to quickly end her opponent by sneaking up on them when their guard is down, but if the option is unavailable she has nothing against ripping them apart. On the other hand though if Shanon is faced with a challenge she cant see herself succeeding at she will give up and simply try to stay alive. History: As with every monster Shanon wasn’t born, but simply began one fog drenched night down an alley way where horrible things had happened. A number of hours were spent roaming through the streets figuring out how her body worked; how her joints moved, how her spine could twist, how her senses picked out her prey walking alone at night. As a Monster she was made of the malicious and cruel thoughts of Humans, however that didn't mean that she herself was entirely cruel. Then They appeared; The Containment and Examination of Monsters company (C.E.M). Shanon was no match for the [i]Agents[/i] who possessed equipment specifically designed to deal with Monsters and she was quickly captured. Her world then became one of a small white room and of scalpels and needles as the [i]Agents[/i] sought to figure out how she worked. One day something went wrong; another monster was able to escape its cell and the C.E.M facility fell into chaos. Shanon, along with many other Monsters fled from the facility, making sure to remove a number of [i]Agents[/i] from the world on the way out. She, like many others, fled very far from the facility and didn’t dare to stop running until the sun had appeared and disappeared again over the horizon where found herself in a forest the few Humans came across. Here Shanon met another Monster who had taken the name Darcy, and had prompted Shanon to take a name herself. Here the pair lived together in relative peace only occasionally disturbed by wondering Humans or the rare [i]Agent[/i] seeking them out. Abilities: Shanons ability to track a scent is unmatched not just by smelling ability but by being able to taste the scent of prey on the air as well. Shanon possess extra-ordinary strength with her limit being around the same weight as a tank. Her venom causes a victim muscles to seize up within half an hour of entering the blood stream. Without any blood or a heart poisons that rely on blood vessels to move about the body are ineffective, airborne poisons however will still affect her. Other: Oddly enough Shanon doesn’t actually bleed, nor does she need to eat, so all one needs to do to ‘heal’ her is simply stitch up the wound with some thread. [/hider]