[color=crimson]"Alien or not, he's still a fucking moron."[/color] Leaning against the door to the room, Rebeca scowled darkly. Her shopping trip with Alexis had been somewhat successful; she'd picked up a few new pairs of shorts, a couple pairs of pants, and a few t-shirts, one of which she was now wearing under her jacket. She’d even picked up a weird looking berry from a vendor. Seeing all of their expressions when she dropped a big chunk of gold on the counter had been kinda funny too. All in all, it had been a not bad day, considering how it had started by waking up in the hospital. And it had promptly been spoiled when she heard an unearthly howl, and not long after that people talking about how the Avatars of Giratina and Xerneas had gotten into a fight, one that had ended with Xerneas torn in half, Giratina unconscious and due to be arrested. Which had led to her going [b]back[/b] to the hospital, only to be turned away since the Avatar was still out cold. She’d come back the next morning, and the second officer standing guard out in the hallway had been a bit more accommodating when her markings had started glowing, after which she had promised that no, she was [b]not[/b] going to start a fight in the hospital, she only wanted to talk. Glancing at the female officer sitting in the chair, Rebeca briefly dipped her head. [color=crimson]”You mind? I’d just like to take a minute and explain to my friend exactly how much of a dumbass he was. I’ll make sure to leave him like he is.”[/color] The expression on her face suggested that she was in no mood to argue, and the officer apparently decided that if her partner had let the Continent Avatar in, she could probably be trusted to keep her word. Once the officer had left, Rebeca turned her glare on the bed-locked Avatar. [color=crimson]“So, from the way you’re talking, your little “guest” has taken a backseat for a while. Nice to meetcha. Should we start from the top, or would you prefer I call him a moron again?”[/color] [@Leos Klien]