[@Lady Hestia] I changed his age, he's now 17. And if you want me to get rid of the boyfriend that's fine. [hider=Character Name] [hr] [hr] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=109165&s=75&t=Eun%20Yeong%20Seong&c=999900[/img] [hr] [hr] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/fJKrO.jpg[/IMG] [img]https://www.dramafever.com/st/news/images/Song_Jae_Rim_3s4dWD3.jpg[/img] [img]https://a.disquscdn.com/get?url=http%3A%2F%2F24.media.tumblr.com%2F630414b93dd3f86c5b00cdd8028903b0%2Ftumblr_morz2p02Tv1qhwguzo1_500.gif&key=LNbaRgEz5RJIRf-E1-3ECA&w=600&h=190[/img] [img]https://33.media.tumblr.com/af01e0f08667ea80374506ca8a532fbc/tumblr_nbo3pwgGqh1re1pcmo6_500.gif[/img] [hr] [hr] [b]{[/b][i]“If you can't go back to your mother's womb, you'd better learn to be a good fighter.” [/i][b]}[/b] -[b][b]Anchee Min, [i]Red Azalea[/i][/b][/b] [b]{[/b][i]“I’ve been fighting to be who I am all my life. What’s the point of being who I am, if I can’t have the person who was worth all the fighting for?” [/i][b]}[/b] -[b][b]Stephanie Lennox, [i]I Don't Remember You[/i][/b][/b] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXorliBQMxg]Riot-Banners[/url] // [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=so8V5dAli-Q]Control-Halsey[/url] // [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg57gTDz7w8]Good Boy-Sample Answer[/url][/center] [hr] [hr] [color=Olive][b]Name:[/b][/color] Eun-Yeong Seong [color=Olive][b]Nickname:[/b][/color] Eun-Yeong was christened the "guard dog" of the Real Kings due to his protective and aggressive nature. This in turm has led to variations such as "puppy", "Mutt", and "That rabid bastard". [color=Olive][b]Date of Birth:[/b][/color] December 16, 1998 [color=Olive][b]Age:[/b][/color] 17 [color=Olive][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=Olive][b]Sexuality:[/b][/color] Pansexual [color=Olive][b]Relationship Status:[/b][/color] Complicated [color=Olive][b]Group:[/b][/color] Real Kings [color=Olive][b]Occupation:[/b][/color] Part time barista, part time street dancer, part time street fighter. [color=Olive][b]Room Number:[/b][/color] Rooms will be assigned, when all characters are approved [hr] [hr] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/a1095bbd441d6b564b1cd4d3ddf59670/tumblr_npjsgpEpr61qhwguzo1_500.gif[/img] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/2ae934dca2c7cf36796d43ab21c91c1b/tumblr_morywt57yc1qhwguzo1_500.gif[/img] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/97bfa4331ca4b0f1c763d0d3385f31fb/tumblr_n5u49qKDDS1scm9d0o1_500.gif[/img] [img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6vjpkDHlM1rv2d11o1_500.gif[/img] [hr] [hr] [color=Olive][b]In Depth Appearance:[/b][/color] Eun-Yeong stands at 6 feet (183 cm) flat and weighs 155 (70.3 kg) lbs. He has a lean, but muscular body that is often hidden by the loose and dark clothes he tends to favor. His style is simple, favoring dull or dark colors and functional clothing. His usual casual outfit is a pair of large ragged jeans, or fight shorts, and on top either a large and loose v-neck t-shirt or a loose dress shirt. He forgoes jewlery, a dangerous accessory when fighting or dancing, nor does he bear any other body modifications. On his back however, are a series of small markings that are nearly unnoticeable, but on closer inspections are easily identified as scars. The young man's face also bares subtle signs of a violent past, with high cheekbones, a moderately large nose looks to have been reset once or twice, and full lips. Eun usually wears his shoulder length hair loose, but when performing any activities ties it up into a messy ponytail [color=Olive][b]Habits | Oddities | Quirks:[/b][/color] * Cracks neck and rolls shoulders when nervous. * Sleeps with eyes half open, so you can't really tell if he's asleep or not. * Hates the taste of coffee, despite being a barista. * Bounces on the balls of his feet when standing still for long periods of time. * Flinches when touched by older men. [color=Olive][b]Hobbies:[/b][/color] * Martial Arts (Sanda/Sanshou & Caproeira) * Guitar * Dancing (Ballet, Modern, Street Style) * Writes really cliche romance novels [color=Olive][b]Secrets:[/b][/color] * In a secret relationship with a boy in another school, and lost his virginity to him. * He had a physical confrontation with his father before moving to Seoul. His father committed suicide shortly before he left. [color=Olive][b]Likes:[/b][/color] * Cute things * Spicy foods * Iced Tea * Spending time with friends * Romance Novels * Dramas (K-dramas, telenovelas, you name it) * [s]The rush of his fist connecting with some asshole's nose[/s] Exercising * Rock and Metal * Watermelon * Barbecue * Dark and muted colors * Playing his guitar [color=Olive][b]Dislikes:[/b][/color] * Sour foods * Hot drinks * Hypocrites * Coffee * Pedantry * Abusers ("Violently inclined towards" is perhaps more proper) * Creed, Limp Bizkit, U2 * Being mocked for having a girl's name [color=Olive][b]Fears:[/b][/color] * Being to weak to hold onto the things he cares about. * Seeing his family again. * Becoming addicted to medication. [color=Olive][b]Personality:[/b][/color] [b]Positive Traits[/b] - As suggested by his nickname, Eun-Yeoung is loyal to a fault. The enemies of his friends are his enemies, those that hate his friends hate him that kind of thing. He is immensely protective of those he cares about, willing to go any length for them, whether they wanted him to or not. This also has the added side effect of being unable to say no to those who he cares about, occasionally creating conflict when he makes many promises to different people that all coincide together. Another positive trait is Eun-Yeoung's extremely thick skin. Sticks and stones may break his bones, but words seemly have no adverse effect on him. This is not to say that he doesn't listen, he just weathers abuse and reflects on whether or not the insults are worth any effort to disprove. However, if one of his inner circle insults him, he takes that as a personal failure on his own part and attempts to find out why one of his friends would be angry at him. [b]Negative Trait[/b] - Of course, a guard dog has to be both loyal and aggressive. And aggressive Eun is, at least when someone has slighted a friend in his presence. He rarely physically harms those individuals, so he instead responds in a blunt and sarcastic manner. Deep insider, however, he would rather choke slam someone than ignore an insult aimed at any of the other Real Kings. However, when his friends have gone, he goes and hunts down the offenders at a later time and physically threatens them, coming off as a violent ruffian when caught. Eun Yeong is also extremely secretive and withdrawn about himself. Even with the other Real Kings, he is reticent to share his problems and thoughts unless forced to. He prefers to let his problems stew and he has a solution, or the situation spirals too far out of control to hide. The fact that Eun is extremely well-versed in acting as if nothing is wrong means that no one but those closest to him know something is wrong, and even then a great deal of focus is required to discern the cracks in his armor. [hr] [hr] [img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/675ac384e1de25c4d3c50d1dd5c69788/tumblr_ng9v57m8dl1u2tqwbo1_1280.jpg[/img] [hr] [hr] [color=Olive][b]Place of Origin:[/b][/color] Busan, Busan [color=Olive][b]History:[/b][/color] Eun-Yeong Seong was born in a family of artists in Busan as its eldest child. His father, Byeong-Ho Seong, was a martial artist and stuntman of moderate renown, while his mother, Hyeon-Ju Ga, was a ballet dancer. Both parents passed their teachings onto their eldest child, and he thrived in the environment. Soon, he was joined by two sisters and a brother and life was good. Those times ended his father broke his leg during a stunt gone wrong and was benched from his job. His father fell into a depression and developed a morphine addiction, turning him into a husk of what he once was. Hyeon-Ju Ga was unaware of her husbands degradation due to her touring during the time of her husbands recovery, leaving mantleship of the household to Eun-Yeong, who was only twelve at the time. It went terribly, so bad that the government had to intervene when taxes weren't paid on time and the kids were arriving to school in rags and starved. Byeong-Ho was disgraced and blacklisted from the industry after his recovery, and was divorced by Hyeon-Ju shortly after the whole fiasco ended. She took the three younger children with her, leaving Eun-Yeong with his father. For nearly a year, Byeong-Ho beat Eun-Yeong, who in turn became near unresponsive due to his guilt and shame. At the end of the school year, Eun-Yeong and Byeong-Ho had a physical confrontation, leaving Eun-Yeong beaten black and blue ans his father with a concussion and a broken nose. After that, Byeong-Ho sent the fourteen year old teenager to his brother in Seoul. He would later be found to have hanged himself. [url=http://hairstyles.thehairstyler.com/hairstyle_views/front_view_images/1853/original/James-Kyson-Lee.jpg]Min-Jun Seong[/url] ran a gym in Seoul, and was shocked to find one morning to find his nephew covered in bandages and standing in the middle of a rain storm in front of the locked doors. After hurrying the boy inside and warming him up, he was given a parcel by Eun-Yeong. Inside was a series of adoption papers, making Min-Jun the guardian of his nephew on the event of his older brother's death. Eun-Yeong didn't find out what was inside because he fell asleep while his uncle was looking through the papers. Nonetheless, Eun-Yeong became Min-Jun's guardian. It took the better part of the next year for Eun-Yeong to return to some semblance of normalacy, but the scars of his past still haunt him. One major part of his recovery was his uncle forcing him to go to Sevit and meeting the Real Kings, a group of misfits and outcasts that he meshed well with. Another major part was him meeting his [url=https://sociorocketnewsen.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/qjmuoacdkqwvqay.jpg?w=580&h=873]boyfriend[/url], who he has been in a committed relationship since he was sixteen. They, along with his uncle, have become his new family and he won't fail them like he did his original one. [color=Olive][b]Misc.:[/b][/color] Favorite Actor: Nathan Fillion yes, i know he has a girl name. [/center] [/hider]