[hider=Allen Higgins] [b]Name:[/b] Allen Higgins [b] Nickname: [/b]Al [b]Gender: [/b]Male [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Looks:[/b] [img]http://tellings.edublogs.org/files/2014/05/SODAPOP-the-outsiders-5590628-400-300-qwayme.jpg[/img] [b]Personality: [/b]Al's quick-tempered and rude. While he's personable with those whom he considers friends, he's antagonistic to most. A lot of it stems from a tendency to get defensive when it isn't necessary. While circumstances have made Allen apathetic to the needs of other people, he's trying to put aside the anger he's been experiencing for the past couple of years and turn it something positive. He helps people in the only way familiar to him, by working. Al loves working with his hands. Cooking, construction work, mechanics. Fixing and creating things has always been an outlet for him. His experiences have made him dismissive of the helpless, and while he wants to help others as best he can, he's unwilling to help those who refuse to help themselves. [b]History:[/b] He grew up in a poor neighborhood with only his mother to look out for him, and by the time he reached his teens, it was he who was looking out for her. He dropped out of school during high school (not that he particularly cared for it) and went to work washing dishes during the day and bar-tending at night. It was enough to take care of most of there expenses--namely his mother's habits. In spite of his constant pleas for her to reform, she never did. One evening he came home and found that she had overdosed. Vomit stained her shirt and hair, her eyes were half-open and glazed over. While every part of his brain knew he should call for an ambulance and fight for the chance to save her, he didn't. He walked out that night and lit a cigarette. He went for a walk through town, attempting to process what he just did. As he was crossing a small bridge toward the edge of the city, he glanced over and thought about where things would go from there. His mind went blank and he jumped. It was pathetic attempt at suicide, and despite his best efforts, Al eventually came up for air and decided his heart just wasn't in it. The problem was, when he broke through the surface and wiped the water from his eyes, he realized the town was gone. [b]Job:[/b] Kitchen Staff [b]Crush:[/b] Open [b] Played by:[/b] [@Jester] [/hider]