The wait had been longer than usual much to the two hooded figures worry. They held each other’s hands as they waited for the next train, watching the crowed of people closely. The station was crowded with refugees and the townsfolk from the latest of the Rebel attacks. Everything was in a stir as the people rushed to get their ticket for the next train. But the train was late making the crowds of people even more anxious. The taller of the hooded figures looked down at the other to reassure that everything will be okay. “Maybe the train just taking long to unload at other station.” She said kindly. The shorter figure nodded as they got closer to the billboard to double check the arriving time. “The train aren’t going to just appear when the clock gives arriving time. Sometimes they take bit longer.” Her tone was similar to that of a mother, trying to ease her child’s worry. The woman lowered herself to eye level with the other. “Look, Caesar we not live in the best of times but that don’t mean we don’t get second chances. Our people done nothing wrong we have right to run from Kingdom that doesn’t belong to us. No matter what we run.” The young male nodded once again taking in his sister’s words despite her language being a bit off. Standing she saw the train come into view. “Look it’s here.” She said grabbing the other’s hand and pushing through people. It wasn’t soon before everyone was thrown into chaos, everyone wanting to be the first one on the train before their worries and anxious thinking became true. Everyone rushed pushing each other to the ground. Caesar tried to keep up with his sister, the grip he had on her hand wasn’t strong. She looked back to make sure he was still there and much to her relief he was. Before they could go any farther a huge explosion sounded from behind. It was like someone had hit the paused button. The huge crowd of people stood there frozen as flames rose behind the station’s walls. It was like everyone’s dire wish had come true. The aggression had gotten out of control causing more of an uproar. Caesar was pulled by his sister as they rushed to the train being pushed to the ground but a large man. His sister stopped turning around but she was forced away from her little brother as the crowd of people pushed her towards the train. Caesar fought his way to stand before realizing his sister was nowhere in sight. Everything was happening too fast causing his mind to be confused. The train had started to move signaling its departure. Caesar tried his hardest to push past the people in front of him but the train was already leaving the station. Gun shots had started to sound causing more of a panic with the people as they scattered for safety. Caesar didn’t know what to do and followed the flow of the people. One by one the people around him had fallen from the flying bullets that shot into their backs. Magic cried as he tried his hardest to escape but failed. He was pushed into a corner of an alley, guns pointed at his face. “Don’t shoot. “ Caesar looked at the other with fear as they talked. He didn’t understand their language at all he wasn’t a native of this country. “He’s harmless, just bring him into custody for questioning.” From there everything faded. Caesar slowly open his eyes, the sun shining through the curtains of his living room. Groaning the grown man sat up rubbing his head. It was just another dream recollecting his past. He sighed getting of the sofa he had crash on the night before readying himself of his regular morning routine before heading off to work. Every day was pretty much the same when working at a fruit stand, someday he would get costumers other days not so much. This wasn’t the job he was hoping to get but not many people asked him question so he didn’t complain. Especially when he didn’t talk back. Caesar hurrying through the crowd of people, it had almost reminded him of that time during the station attacks. After a while he went on his day like usual once he arrived at the stand. He sold some fruit and help the local visitor with directions before going on break. Caesar stood behind the building he worked in front of smoking and reading the local paper. It hadn’t taken him a long time to read the native language of this country mostly because he had some help. It was just speaking it seemed to provide a difficult task for him. Exhaling some smoke from his lungs he found an interesting part of the paper. ‘Royals come to Fargarth. Locals angry about political statement by the king!’ Caesar chuckled putting out his cigarette. Politics were never his thing mostly because he never understood it, but he kept up to date with it anyway. The information came in handy when needed. He headed back to the front deciding to cut his break short (If you have questions feel free to ask)