[center][h1][color=42c0c4]Joseph Ripple[/color][/h1] [img]http://65.media.tumblr.com/14e660909836b9ef9ff59a63485c972d/tumblr_inline_mw4k16i6c71spn2rf.gif[/img] [hr] [b][u]Location[/u][/b]: His Apartment [b][u]Interacting With[/u][/b]: Liam - [@Pundii] - via text | Theresa - [@Filthy Mudblood] - via text [hr][/center] Joseph was woken up by the thin, bright light coming through the window. He thought he closed the blinds the night before, but the rude awakening proved him wrong. His vision stolen by the light, he swung his legs over the side of the bed and rushed to the window and closed them. He blinked a few times, giving his eyes time to adjust, and rubbed them. After he was able to see clearly, he slowly opened the window back up, now that he was able to look out without being blinded. People were already doing their errands, going to work, and catching cabs. Many people walked with suitcases, some with shopping bags, and others with plain purses. The majority of the sea of people flooding the streets were talking on their cell phones, likely business work. The window was fairly large, but a little lower than most would be. He stood before it window, looking out at the people, until he realized he was only in his underwear. He quickly rushed over to his dresser and picked out a pair of slim jeans, pulling them on rather violently. He went through his shirts, picked out a nice black shirt, and buttoned it up. He pushed his fingers through his hair to rought it up a bit, and glanced in the mirror to make sure it was alright. He looked pretty good, at least he thought so. Casually formal, as he likes to describe himself. The mirror was just one of the many things he had on his walls. There were many random posters, signs, and other hanging things that he'd taken from previous sets that he'd worked on. Many of them were going to be thrown away, but he'd prefer to keep them safe, not in the trash. They're like suvenirs to him, something to remember each and every place he's worked. He had a pair of swords, which might be his favorite suvenir ever, that was from his third movie. It took place in the Civil War, and he was cast as the supporting character, an officer. He had been able to keep both the sword used, one of them real and the other was actually retractable. Obviously they can't use real swords to stab, so they used angles to make it seem like they were being killed. When he finished reminisching about his past, he left his room, going straight for the coffee maker. He dodged Laim's cat, Sancho, who was laying right in the middle of the room. [color=42c0c4][i]Jeez, ate and everything already. Eating must be real exhausting.[/i][/color] He got ready to turn the machine on, but noticed that it already had been turned on. He poured himself a cup, slugged it down pretty quickly, and poured one more to kill off what was left. Before he forgot, he pulled out his phone, checked the weather, and thanked Liam for the coffee. [center][b]To: Liam [color=42c0c4]Hey man, appreciate the coffee. Many thanks![/color][/b][/center] Joseph slipped his phone back into his pocket and returned to his bed, staring out the window once again. It seemed oddly bright for a normal morning, but he began to feel particularily odd himself. He suddenly got a strange feeling in his stomach, something good. It usually happened when he was nervous, afraid, or intimidated by something, but he found it almost comforting for once. Something good was going to become of the day, he was sure of it. Unsure of what it was, though, he began to fantasize about what could happen. Thoughts ran through his head, but he couldn't think of how any of them could happen on just a regular day. He forced it to the back of his mind, figuring that he'd just let the day play out. Pulling his phone out once again, he scrolled through the latest news. Nothing too exciting, there were a few big sales going on, some store was being inspected for health violations, nothing new. After he'd finished, he went onto the website of a local theater, checking to find any plays he may have a chance in. Many of them were kids plays, silly takes on films, that kind of thing. But one thing, however, did catch his eye. They were creating a production of Reservoir Dogs, one of his personal favorite films. [color=42c0c4]"No way...!"[/color] he muttered to himself. He immediately wrote down information of where the auditions were, what time, and everything he may need to know. He couldn't decide what role he would go for, though, he loved them all. Rather than deciding right then and there, he chose to wait awhile, think on it a little bit. He did, of course, want to spread the news. He knew the movie like the back of his hand, he could definately play anybody in the play! He had to tell somebody. [center][b]To: Tessa [color=42c0c4]Heyheyhey, guess what? Think I might have a big role coming soon! May not be a movie, but it's still something.[/color][/b][/center] Out of excitement, he opened the apartment door, not realizing that he had no shoes or socks on. He got half way down the hall before noticing and ran back to his room. He through on some socks, slipped his feet into some black slip-ons, and returned to the hall. He noticed Reed infront of a door just down the hall, giving him a quick wave before quickly decending the stairs. The auditions happened to go on all day, and only that day. He got out the door in a hurry, and hopped into his [url=http://austinblackcarservice.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/lincoln-town-car1.png]car[/url]. He figured that it may not be a bad idea to go for a little drive, go stop and get breakfast somewhere, get ready for the audititons. He would be able to look up some lines, get familiar with the material once again. The quicker he could be ready, the better. He was determined to get a role, no matter what it was, and wanted to do so as quick as he could.