"I guess you could say it's like Baldur's Gate, yea. Though not quite the same. We're not exactly going to be heroes for a while. Once we're in charge it's easy enough to let the events go down in history as us being heroes, but we're more like rebels with dreams of becoming supreme rulers." It was a funny way of describing thins. But that was basically what they were going to do. Oliver came with a little plan of his own. And that was indeed what Sanguine had in mind. Though maybe things wouldn't go that easily. "If we can, we will. But maybe this guild won't trust such an important mission to two strangers whom just arrived. We'll see how things go once we arrive. A full hour passed. Sanguine had finished three pitchers by that time. But now it was apparently time for an evening meal. As Jeeves showed up at the door, and once allowed to enter, informed them that the dining room had been prepared for when they were ready to have dinner. Sanguine sighed, not wanting to move from Oliver's arms. This was the first time, not including when she was asleep, that she had felt so relaxed since they had arrived in this world. "Well, I guess we should go have dinner again. Actually some meat with another pitcher of beer next to it sounds like a good plan, right?" Sanguine only drank beer during barbecues, so she was used to eating meat with her beer.