[color=#2EFE9A][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjgwLjE4YzM3OC5USFZyWlEsLC4w/sweetcorrection-roth.regular.png[/img][/center][/color][right][img]http://i.imgur.com/45yCAJQ.gif[/img][/right] [right][@liferusher][/right][hr] ((Pre-Timeskip)) It was an oddity, to find a girl he knew, snuggling up to the cold and sooty floors. Luke hadn't noticed but there appeared to be some light illuminating her, some orbs of blue emitting a soft light. It was the reason Luke was able to find her in the darkness. They were peculiarly entrancing to say the least, his eyes were glued to them, slowly hovering upwards. He snapped out of the trance after Emi grunted softly, he looked downwards at the sleeping girl once more. [color=#2EFE9A]"Ehh... What am I suppose to do, she seems dead asleep."[/color] Luke pondered outloud, [color=#2EFE9A]"Curfew's getting close... but if I bring her to my dorm won't I be marked as some sort of fiend?!"[/color] Sighing a low sigh, Luke scratched the back of his head and hoisted her upwards. He hoped that no one would spot him carrying a girl back to his dorm. [i][color=#2EFE9A]Surely no misunderstandings will occur if I do this altruistic act, right?[/color][/i] he gulped at the thought, letting her lean on his back, placing her arms around his neck and holding up her legs. [color=#2EFE9A]"Alright... One. Two."[/color] Luke jumped upwards, [color=#2EFE9A]"Oof. Jeez."[/color] As for the papers, Luke tried to gather as much as he could beforehand, placed it on the rucksack she had handy and carried it with his teeth. Luke looked like a pack mule. Walking back was eventless, as Luke hoped, a few stragglers here and there but they kept to their own business. The academy at night felt pretty bizarre and surreal, almost fairy-tail like as he trudged through the mostly empty halls. Luke would smile, but he had the strap of Emi's bag in his mouth. Arriving at the door of his dorm, he let her right leg dangle freely as he fished in his pockets for his keys. Finally he turned the key and the door creaked open. He walked to the left room and opened another door and laid her down, pulling up the blanket. After unhinging his now stinging jaw, he placed the bag on the table next to her. [color=#2EFE9A]"Ow, that bag was heavier than expected."[/color] Luke said massaging his jaw before a yawn took over, [color=#2EFE9A]"Well, I guess the couch in the living room [i]does[/i] look pretty comfy."[/color] For a while he wondered if the academy would punish him for this, but because of his sleepiness and nonchalant attitude he sweeped it aside to deal with for another day. With that he jumped on the couch and flicked something on the television, watched for a while before falling asleep, the television still blaring softly with whatever it was left on.