[b]Madison[/b] When she felt Vlad's hand gripping her shoulder, Madison couldn't help but tense up. But then he turned her around, the serious expression on his face lasting for a moment before he ate a chip off of her head. Madison's poker face was undecipherable, but then she bursted with uncontrollable laughter. "Okay, okay, you got me," Madison said as soon as she was able to breathe again, wiping a tear off of her eye in the process. She reached into her bag to pull out a nut and vanilla granola bar, which she then offered to Vlad. "My way of apologizing to you for yesterday. Want company on the way to class?" He may or may not accept her invitation to walk to Mr. Kessinger's, but if Madison could make a friend out of an enemy, then her time here would be that much more pleasant. [@KuramaaaZ]