[@Vor] [hider=The things] I have not much to say about Illyan, again, like I mentioned to Reign, Illyan was likely born into a generation of warfare, and while he may not have been drafted, the only reason why he would not have been put back on the line as fast as possible would be medical/logistical limitations, as opposed to bureaucratic talk about ethics. And as far as explosives technology go, yes we have futuristic C4- Det-Plast, which is essentially a block of mold-able plastic explosive. Like C4 it is very stable, and can be molded easily and has high explosive power, and is activated by a charge and detonator combo. Another favorite of the UEE is the Vapo-Disc, a disk shaped explosive charge that cleanly vaporizes everything within an adjustable (1-3 meter) diameter, with little to no shockwave for 'clean' destruction. [/hider] [@Hexaflexagon] [hider=Moar things] A mouthy rookie, that'll be a fun thing to work with lol. Background is nice and fleshy as well. I have no problem with her using a STAKEN, but I wouldn't call the STAKEN a right of passage for rookies. Other then that, there's not much for me to say about this character, very solid. [/hider]