[center][img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs41/f/2009/028/3/4/Demon_Blind_by_AngelsTale.jpg[/img][/center] * This plot would require two to three people. *My character would be that female you see in the picture. *Her name is Hikari Mei [i]-She is blind - Her only friend is a demon lord -She does not know that he is a demon -Has a demon attracting Aura to herself(so the demon lord is often busy) - Has feelings for the Demon lord -Has a walking stick -Has bells on the end of her feet, they act as if echo location(like for a bat)[/i] [i]* The first male, his name can be up to you: -A silver haired demon lord(the picture) -Can be a demon of your choosing. [/i] *The Second male, his name can be up to you: [hider=My Hider] [img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/037/b/c/eye_of_the_shaman_by_inupii-d5u27cn.png[/img] [/hider] - A human, demon hunter/priest - Has special abilities(up to you, we'll discuss it ^^) - Has traveled from a distant land to find the Sibyl/oracle of his god(which is Hikari) -The rest of the persona is up to you - We can discuss his god also, it has to do something with eyes and magic(i was thinking like a god of seers or something) but we can discuss whatever ideas you have ^^ - he would eventually show a love interest in Hikari *Other Demon lords/Ladys's:: - The appearance and abilities are up to yourself entirely. - They would be the antagonist, more so trying too bring sorrow too the plot, and force the Priest and the Demon lord too work together