[b]Peace Games[/b] [u]Operation: Aggressor Defense 1300hrs. 14th February 2021 Forster Bay[/u] [i]Mock dogfight in classic fighters chosen by participants over Forster Bay. Two teams are randomly made; A and B. A-team arrives in the bay first and must defend against B who arrives ten minutes later. Team with the most "kills" gains their players medals based on personal score.[/i] "...the opening ceremony was really cool too. The march of the countries, the speech by the president, all of it was amazing!" "I swear... Wernher, would you shut up?! I can't even hear the sound of the plane's engines over your droning!" "Silly, you're supposed to not hear much of the engines in the cockpit, that's the point. By the way, I have a name, Captain Kreulich." The pilot of the F-4E Phantom II aircraft growled, inciting a chuckle from the WSO. "Who the hell thought it was a good idea to stick her in here with me..." he grumbled. After this, silence took its place, allowing the pilot some time to look at the passing scenery as they neared the rendezvous point. Blue waters waved calmly down below and the hilly coastline was a vibrant shade of green, despite the cold season. Alongside the Phantom flew a loose formation composed of a strange hodgepodge of other vintage fighters, such as two A-7E Corsair II's, one with ISAF markings and one with the familiar blue roundel of the Osean Maritime Defense Force, a pair of MiG-23's, both with Yuktobanian Air Force insignia, a single F-5E Tiger II decorated with the blue roundel of the REAF, a Jaguar in Osean Air Defense Force markings, and finally the joint Neucom Emergency Unit-General Resources Defense Force F-4E Phantom II, flying in the center of the seven plane formation. None of the pilots spoke to each other for the moment, mostly due to the fact that a radio frequency hadn't yet been set up, but they had somehow managed to find a serviceable formation, not too tight, nor too distanced, but a bit jumbled, to be frank. For the moment, all they had to do was fly to the rendezvous point where they would meet their own AWACS who would be one of the referees for the match and also give tactical information to the team. Finally, after a good moment of waiting, the voice of the AWACS operator was heard by the pilots. [b]AWACS[/b] [b]<<[/b]Good afternoon, A-Team, AWACS Oracle here. As you've been briefed, I'll watch over you all during this match. B-Team is due to arrive in ten minutes, so get yourselves ready. As soon as I detect B-Team within a ten kilometer radius, we'll allow open communication between you all, but for the moment, feel free to ask me anything.[b]>>[/b] Nodding, Charles spoke in return. "Oracle, this is Anemi-One. Glad to have you." As he said this, he put on the oxygen mask and made a gesture to the planes next to his in the formation to break off and get into the defensive position they had decided upon earlier. The fighters all broke off and began to fly at a slower speed on a head-on to the position where the adversaries would normally be coming from and prepared the virtual missiles to be fired, a few tubes that had been placed on the hardpoints of the aircraft, along with real missiles of which the firing could only be enabled by the AWACS, meant to add realistic weight to the planes. Within moments, Team-A was ready to begin the match, and all they awaited was for Oracle to open communications. "I wonder why they disabled communications?" His co-pilot spoke up as they waited. Charles thought over it for a moment before responding. "Probably so we have to make all strategies in advance, or something. Gives it a special difficulty that makes it interesting for the audience. We are on TV after all."He gestured to the glint of a specially modified U-2 above the combat-zone. "I see." The cockpit of the Phantom fell back into silence for a good moment before the young girl spoke again. "Say, I wonder where..." [b]AWACS[/b] [b]<<[/b] A-Team, [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8s1PeluI8jU]I've got the adversaries on radar[/url], bearing 160, flying fast. Opening communications... what?[b]>>[/b] The sudden pause of the operator worried Charles. "AWACS, what's wrong?" He asked as he turned the plane. Wait, turn the plane? Wasn't B-Team supposed to attack them from their current bearing of 300, not 160? The rest of the team turned as well to meet the adversaries. Suddenly, missile lock warnings began going off in almost perfect unison in the planes. Realizing the situation, Charles yelled over radio. "A-Team, everyone break, those aren't virtuals!" He pulled the plane up, just as a Sidewinder missile flew past, followed by a MiG-29, not one of the planes allowed in the mock dogfight. [b]AWACS[/b] [b]<< A-Team, that's not B-Team! Unlocking missiles, you have permission to engage the bogies!>>[/b] "Affirmative, Oracle. You heard the man, let's do this!" Charles responded over radio as he began to chase one of the MiGs. "Border Boy engaging." "Ribbon, engaging!" His co-pilot said shortly after him as she began to track the Fulcrum from the WSO seat.