[center][h2][color=fff79a]Emi[/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/5P8mwoE.png[/img][/center] Her body was being moved. She could feel it. He was taking her somewhere, she felt kind of happy for him doing such a thing for her helplessness. Hopefully he would be taking all her stuff too. Well knowing it was a not so much used room and inside the building the stuff would probably still be there after the night. She didn't need tp worry as much as she did. She had gathered a fair amount of pages. Not every page contained much important info so it was fine, truly. She was raisen upon Luke his back. Her chest lightly pressed against his back as her body kept trying to slip away from him. Stupid gravity was making it harder for the boy. Her head was resting on her own arm, he mouth was fairly close to his ear making the breathing rather audible. She hoped he didn't have any problems with her being so slacky as this. As they left the room her eyes opened a little. The light of the hallway was enough for her to get back to conscious again. He sight was blurry and her headhurt a lot but she was able to know a little where she was. She straightened her head a little but wasn't able to help Luke by shifting her gravity point to the right place so it was easier for him to carry. She could barely move her body in this state. From her face alone you could tell she looked tired. Her mouth slowly opened up a little. [center][color=fff79a]"T..nk .ou..."[/color][/center] She muttered softly as she displayed a small smile on her face before going back to sleep again. She was placed in his bed and curled up under the sheets in a small ball emitting the light bubbles again. Her body pulled the sheets towards her, covering her body as close as possible as she drifted off into a deep sleep. [hr] Emi yawned as she stretched her body in the bed. She pushed the sheets aside with her feet and still looked a little rather tired. She scratched the side of her head for a bit clearly trying to wake up as she sat stil on the bed. After a few moment she pushed herself off the bed and opened the curtains. A small rose again in the distance shining bright on Emi her face. Her expression rapidly changed to a more woken up and happy girl. She looked around the room and wondered how she ended up in her dorm room after having fallen in the dark room. That was right, Luke had brought her over... She had to thank him. But before that it was time for a morning ritual. He had left her sleeping in her old clothes, what a reasonable thing to do was. But they smelled a little off now from the ground and her own smells from in the bed. It wasn't enjoyable. She pulled off her clothes and stepped in the shower. Not untill she had stood under the shower for about 2 minutes she had noticed that her shampoos weren't anywhere in sight. Instead there were much simpler shampoos instead of them. They smelled boy like. Oh crap, she was in Lukes room wasn't she... Her face turned bright red as she turned off the shower and left. She quickly dried herself off in the shower and made sure it was clean. Her clothes were still out on the floor in front of the bathroom door. She wrapped herself up and wrapped her hair up too in another towel. Emi made sure no one was in the room before entering and quickly put on her clothes again. With a bright red face she left Luke his sleeping room entering the main room. If he was still there he would recieve a soft pardon from the girl with a bright red face or else she would leave. Either way she had taken one of the towels hostage to keep her hair drying.