[@KatherinWinter] It's how the classes are set up so that's the main problem from having put them in the NOT class. which their Orientation exam was also combat related which kind of goes against NOT to begin with, among other things.. so at start they was kind of already being groomed for EAT except decided to put them in NOT when we got a teacher character. NOT by school rules aren't allowed to participate in such activities for various reasons. So since that decision was made only reason they can do missions and such under three conditions. One they sneak out (which probably gets most killed since technically most don't have partners in NOT), or a massive alert event happens. So technically should of put them in EAT if you wanted them to do more than class related stuff and random stuff in the town. that's just the basic lore regarding Soul Eater. Unless you create a special event that can involve NPC EAT students doing something with NOT students, kind of like how [@DarkwolfX37] suggested, otherwise they are kind of stuck.