[quote=@KatherinWinter] [@olcharlieboi] I know. And part of my fault. I thought NOT was best since most of the pairs are new. I don't think they would qualify for EAT. That being said I don't feel comfortable restricting everyone to just class and mundane school things. That is why I want everyone's opinion. If most people want to do class that is fine. [/quote] Another very plausible option is that this class is for new arrivals to DWMA, and is required regardless of being NOT or EAT. If you then go with my suggestion for this class observing an EAT operation, it would be easy to then say something like "much of the class is excited about their potential jobs as meisters and weapons now, so death decides to give the separation test early to sort the class into NOT and EAT." Granted, in the canon, they would have decided which class they wanted to be in one day one with the choice needing to be finalized within the first few weeks, but... Creative license and all that. This is a roleplay, and regardless of how this lines up with the timeline of the canon, it's not strictly necessary to follow the canon. Doing so would have already set us into either EAT or NOT, but if you either: follow canon lore but with some changes, or claim that this year DWMA has a new approach to see if it works better, then it would be easy to fix the current problem.