With the girl freed, Faira stepped back, watching for any sign she might attack. Lusso, she had heard Marianne call her. Pity flashed through Faira’s eyes at the painful-looking marks on Lusso’s skin. When she went to lean against the wall, Faira took a good look at her. She appeared around her age, her crimson gaze a bit unnerving, but not in the same way as Marianne’s single visible one. She subconsciously took a half step to place a bit more distance between her and Marianne. “I’m Faira,” she answered Lusso’s question, lowering the tip of the sword to the floor. She shouted and cringed away when the bird flew from the fireplace beside her to Lusso. She inhaled at the four eyes on the bird’s face that matched Lusso’s, not just two. “Well,” Soren said, sauntering over to the girl. Or, rather, the bird. “Aren’t [i]you[/i] a pretty bird!” He bent, hinged at the waist with one hand on his back, and reached out to stroke the raven’s inky feathers with the other. Nikolai followed after him, his lips tight and eyes narrowed in irritation at his twin. He looked over when Scarlet peaked out the door, his face twisting in a disapproving scowl as he readied to fight off the army of bubbly bugs. But none came. Faira gave a relieved sigh at Scarlet’s declaration, and went to one of the armchairs. She looked it over first, debating on whether or not she wanted to risk sitting in any furniture in this place. With the way the day had been going, its cushions might try to consume her. Instead, she opted for the floor beside it and leaned against the chair’s side, resting her head on the bulge of the arm.