[h2][center][color=aba000][b]Elbritas Kessinger[/b][/color][/center][/h2] [After Lunch] Elbritas was sitting in his office, cigarette hanging loosely from his mouth. He was halfway through reading an old musty book that he had been picking away at for a while now. His classes has just finished for the day so he was winding down, but it was too early to start drinking. He let out a low sigh as he pulled a water bottle out of his drawer and took a long sip of it, screwing the cap back on and placing it on his desk. He started when his office door was just opened unabashedly by a girl he had never seen before. [color=aba000]"Um... hello?"[/color] He asked as she walked forward without saying a word, almost in a trance. He watched as she just kept going, all the way to behind his desk. [color=aba000]"Can I... help you? Are you looking for a certain teacher?"[/color] He tried to get her attention again, and once more he got no response. He scowled as she reached for the sword that he was told was the first weapon left as part of the collection. He grabbed a dowel from the neared drawer, superheated the core of it until he saw it starting to splinter. He lobbed it lightly at the girl, watching it explode half a foot from her head but causing no damage. He cleared his throat loudly. [color=aba000]"...AHEM. I said, CAN I HELP YOU?"[/color] He was getting agitated now, some little twerp had barged in for no reason and was trying to touch one of the heirlooms entrusted to him.