This is now your new Draconic Teacher: Name: Thomas Skywalker Age: 29 Gender: Male Personality: Very quiet, reserved, very loyal friend, Picture: [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Which Academy preferred Draconic: Teacher Type of Dragon preferred: Sky Dragon Bio: Thomas was raised on the reservation even though he was only a half breed. His mother, White Dove married a Thomas Clearwater but he left when Thomas was a few months old. He never came back and White Dove never married again. She died from a fever when Thomas was 8. Thomas tried to make her well but he didn’t know what to do and she refused the Tribe’s Medicine Man because she brought shame to the tribe. The Tribe raised Thomas who refused to leave his home to live with someone else. Everyone raised him and allowed him to live on his own. After he graduated from the local school, he went to college and did well enough to become an accountant for the Tribe’s Casino. He felt like an outsider in some ways for he enjoyed white man’s museums and would go into white man’s town to view new exhibits. Even though his peers teased him about being only half an Indian, he always shrugged and did what he wanted to. Only once did he ever fight. It was a fight over his mother’s heritage. He one punched the other tribe member and knocked him out cold. He went to the Chief and told him what happened. Nothing ever came out of it and no one ever teased him or said negative things about his mother