Kirkwall, the city of chains, the once crown jewel of the Tevinter Imperium's slave trade known as Emerius, the former symbol of the elven uprising against their Magister oppressors, but regardless of the numerous names the city may have had the most important one that it is currently dawning is that of the starting place of a yet another group of would be adventures quest for fame and glory. The city was alive with the hustle and bustle that always spread through out of it during the day. The noble lords and ladies of Hightown basked in the sun and traded gossip about the latest scandals and affairs. The merchants in Lowtown beckoned passersby to browse their wares while pickpockets preyed upon the coin purses of the oblivious. While the unfortunate souls that called Darktown home would be half way through their days of begging and being extorted by petty criminals and unjust employers alike. Despite how dazzling or appalling some of these sights may have been anyone who had been in Kirkwall long enough would know that these are common events that might as well be as old as the city itself. If one wanted to find a truly interesting sight they would not have to look any further than the ever so luxurious establishment of The Blooming Rose, or better known as the whorehouse of Hightown. [color=f26522][b]"Another round Lusine!!"[/b][/color] A booming voice full of cheer rang from the head table that sat in the middle of the brothel floor. A rather annoyed looking snowy haired woman gave a roll of her eyes before complying with the voice's order and retrieving a tray of freshly poured mugs of what the house had on tap and hoisting it to the table, spurring quite the hearty cheer from the same voice. The owner of the voice filled with such mirth was quite the sight, a towering individual whos size matched the volume of his voice and his appearance matched its lively tone. He was one of what the Fereldens would deem a oxmen, if his horns didn't give that away, but the air that flowed off this man was anything but that the usual Qunari would give, by the Divins knickers this one was actually grinning. His attire was also quite the marvel, he dawned what looked akin to something one would catch a bandit wearing but what was even more eye catching was the detailed markings that were painted all over his body. Without a doubt he was attracting quite the slew of attention, especially from quite the grouping of young maidens, though they may have been more interested in his coin seeing their place of employment. Indeed this scene was quite the sight and served as the perfect example of how this man lived his life, full of scandals and reckless indigents, but there was no better way to describe Vat-Katari. Despite what many thought he was setting up shack in a whorehouse for Vat-Katari was there for a much more serious reason, though he would be a liar if he said he didn't partake in some of the business's... [I]services[/I]. Indeed he was there for more personal matters for this loud mouthed oxman was actually what many would consider a no good pirate, though he preferred calling himself a sea faring adventurer, who was on the look out for his new crew. For the past few weeks since he had been staying in Kirkwall Vat-Katari had been putting out the word that there was a new captain in town who was looking for anyone that was able body, knew how to sail, and weren't complete nug shite for brains. He also made it known anyone who was interested should meet him in the Blooming Rose so here he was, awaiting those who would eventually make up his new crew. The way Vat-Katari he might as well enjoy himself as he waited, polishing off his glass and turning back to the white haired woman. [color=f26522][b]"Another round!"[/b][/color]