[h2][center][color=aba000][b]Elbritas Kessinger[/b][/color][/center][/h2] The teacher arched his eyebrow at the strange girl. Who did she think she was? [color=aba000]"I didn't get this sword anywhere, it's [i]original owner[/i] left it here and started the tradition of the fire teachers leaving their weapons here for display. Which is where it's going to [b]stay[/b]."[/color] He turned away from the girl and back to his book. [color=aba000]"Now, if there's anything else you'd like to ask, then do so. If not, please leave. I've no desire to entertain a rude guest who didn't even ask permission to enter my office."[/color] He stated firmly as he finished a page, slowly turning it to the next. He continued to quietly read, sipping his water now and again.