[@KatherinWinter] Ava gritted her teeth. Seeing as the Shadow faded, she yelled. [b]"Let's see you attack, idiot!"[/b] She raged, her eyes lighting up as she pointed at him. Sharp icicles surrounded her. [b]"You think your clever, don't you? Think you're smart and strong, don't you? Attack me, already! Don't hide! You think you can hide during a real tournament, but you'd be dead!"[/b] She stormed, stomping her foot, creating ice on the ground. Sooner or lately it would reach Griffin, hopefully disabling him. Ava was pissed now. She usually was a calm girl, staying to herself and being pissed. But Griffin pissed her off. From what Ava saw, Griffin could shadow walk. Did he have any actual power? Ava didn't think so. Then again, it was just the first few moves, and this guy still needed to attack. All he was doing was hidding. To Ava, hidding was pointless.