[@KatherinWinter] "[color=8493ca] Why are we not just killing this piece of trash right now? We can just say there was an accident and he got killed from it....[/color]" "[color=8882be] You idiot! You forgot we are being listened to !! Now we really can't just just kill him![/color]" *Two men were arguing as they came out of a police car that was pulled near the building of the facility* [color=8882be]"Get the hell out kid"[/color] * One of the policemen grabs a kid from the car and pulls him out roughly* [color=8882be]"Now move!!!"[/color] *He hits the kid on the head hard* " [color=9e0b0f]Gah! That hurts ![/color]" "[color=8882be] That's the idea, freak.[/color]" * The boy sighs as he begins walking towards the mutant facility" "[color=8882be]Here is your new home.... i hope you rot in here"[/color] * The policemen leave the boy to entrance of the facility but not before making a few more dark looks at him* * The boy sighs heavily* '[color=9e0b0f]If i knew it would come to this...i was just gonna try and not show of so much...now there's a big chance I wont see my family again...I was really an idiot....'[/color] * Raydon enters the facility*