The trio of Arcadian residents walked towards the door and waved him off from the shop's front entrance. The entire square had bodies strewn about, but Jenso made his way through them, resolute to avenge their deaths the only way he knew how. But finding the culprit, and kicking his ass. But he couldn't just run into a minefield without the proper tools. So with that in mind, he made he way towards Zentai, a country to the east. It was quite the trek, but Jenso was ready to make it. "Oh Jenso! Jenso!" Maggie called out, sprinting towards him and avoiding the bodies. She handed him a bag full of sandwiches and kissed him on the cheek. "Don't starve!" She asked him, before running back towards the safety of her home. Bill waved hard and toppled into his wife, crying his eyes out while Harold just stood there, staring at Jenso as he made it way out of town. "Godspeed," Harold muttered, "And good luck" [hr] [center][h1]~ End Of Chapter 2 ~[/h1][/center]