[center][H1][color=fff79a]Eria Grandous[/color][/H1] [@Zetsuko] Eria rushed through the hallways and burst through the doors to her new teacher's room, She had found out that she had been transferred to the class earlier in the day but actually just learned where the classroom itself was. "[color=fff79a]Oh god please don't let me be late![/color]" she said and skidded to a stop infront of the door. She opened the door, walked in, and was slightly surprised at the veiw that met her. "[color=fff79a]Hello Mr. umm, sorry what is your name again?[/color]" Eria asked as she pulled out her camera and snapped a picture of her teacher. As she took the picture the Eria noticeed the rather large mass of Aetheric particles gathering around him, giving a shimmer to his form, though it was also mixed with something else. [/center]