Matthew nodded sheathing his blade. "No I simply misjudged the situation, you have far more men than I was expecting. So now the plan changes." He answered stepping up to wear the bolt of lightning had hit and casting Elwind in return, he didn't aim for Chloetta but instead for the horse she rode. If he toppled the beast with her on it and pinned her game, set, and match. After releasing the spell he dart left then forward in to the wreckage of the cart pulling his sword as he moved closer so he could strike at her with his blade. Chloetta's soldiers returned to engaging there opponents, deciding they would not wait on there commander to decide the battle. The other Cavaliers charged leaping over the broken carts charging forward, hoping for their lances to find purchase. Her forces still had them almost three to one as additional lance wielding soldiers, nine of them advanced from the right. Slowly, keep there line intact as to fend off all there opponents. It was a pitched a rampant fight, while Chloetta's force busied themselves with Champions yet few had seen what was closing from the skies. Wyverns of the Church were coming, reinforcements perhaps sent by Bern with a message, it didn't matter for suddenly from there left a new group of Wyverns approached. Plegian riders gave brutal yells as they swooped on to the Churches Wyverns the beasts plummeting down from the sky around them. Chloetta's reinforcements turned to face there opponents, quite shocked at what they found. As Genna ordered the archers to turn and fire on the enemy one rider, shot towards them in a lethal dive. It Selenia Captain of the Wyvern riders, no doubt having followed the Wyverns and been led right to Chloetta more importantly her mark. As her Wyvern turned, dodging the arrows the archers sent up jumped from the beast as it pulled up. Her armored form crashed, sickeningly into one archer as tossed her ax into the one across from Genna. She kicked Genna down preparing to finish her, yet the archer tossed away her bow covered herself cowering. The Knight laughed as her Wyvern landed, all could see a sick decoration on its saddle Bern's head, his face still painted with the shock. The Wyvern Lord snarled climbing back on her dragon and ascending back up to join her Knights in combat. She would be back for the rest later, with her Knights.