Elle dodged an arrow that was aimed straight at her forehead, jumping forward and tackling the imperial by the waist with one arm, her sword arm pulled back and poised to strike. As soon as they hit the ground, she drove the point of the blade through the man's heart, a dying cry escaping his lips before he went slack. She stood up and yanked out the sword, taking his bow and arrows. They may come in handy later. Satisfied with herself and feeling much redeemed after getting stuck in that barrel, she sheathed her sword and looked to see how the others were faring. Rap of had finished off his opponent, as had Nil and Jym, the latter of which was giving her a disapproving stare. True her fighting methods were unorthodox, but it had worked, hadn't it? She glared back with a toss of her hair over one shoulder, crossing her arms and looking around for a way out. Nil had gotten to it first, and now it was his turn to lighten the mood. [color=00B2EE]"I can see the dragon's reasoning in choosing this place as a target, that is for certain," [/color]she replied sarcastically, walking through the door to a wooden wall, a lever next to it. She shrugged and pulled it, the wall quickly turning into a bridge leading onward, the keep becoming more like a cave the farther along they went. We must be getting close to the exit, she thought hopefully, crossing the bridge and walking deeper into the caves.