Elle sat panting, her sword still pointed at the spider, even though it was clearly dead. Her brain took a moment to process that fact, and once it registered, she let out a sigh of relief. She sent a prayer of thanks to the divines, letting her sword drop back to her side. She had to say, she was definitely surprised Nilovas had offered her help at all, cocking her head at him slightly before accepting his hand and hauling herself to her feet. [color=00B2EE]"Thanks,"[/color] she said, sheathing her sword and dusting herself off. All the spiders were dead now, thank goodness, so now they could get a move on. Ralph was the first to take action, walking forward toward another outlet on the far side of the cavern leading deeper into the labyrinth. Elle started after him, silently hoping that they were done dealing with hostility. She was growing tired and her head still hurt. She was pretty sure she had bruised her tailbone too. Well, this had just been the best day of her life. In fact, she didn't have anything left sassy to say, which rarely ever happened. If only she hadn't tripped over that stupid imperial during the ambush. She could be sitting in Falkreath, her intended destination, enjoying a pleasant day with her old friend. But no, she was stuck here trudging through the underground to avoid that stupid dragon who thought it would be funny to drop in and say hi. Then again, if it weren't for that 'stupid dragon', she would be dead right about now. They hadn't gone far down the cavern when ralof halted and crouched, a finger to his lips. Elle mimicked his position, poking her head over his shoulder to see what he saw. A sleeping cave bear was curled up not far from them, its growl-like snore echoing around the cavern. [color=00B2EE]"Could we sneak around her?"[/color] Elle whispered to Ralof.