Elle sidestepped when Jym charged past to go 'feast on the bear's heart', standing straight again and raising an eyebrow at him before casting a look at Ralof and Nil as if to say, [color=00B2EE][i]is he serious right now?[/i] [/color] Still, it made the job easier, so she started forward again to yet another tunnel, turning a corner before she spotted blue light. [color=9E9E9E]"Looks like the way out!"[/color] Ralof said happily from behind her before hurrying forward. [color=00B2EE]"Thank divines,"[/color] she muttered, following the Nord to the outside, blinking slightly as her eyes adjusted to the brightness of the day. She never thought she would be so happy to see the blue sky again, the cool breeze a nice change from the stuffy caves. She was about to start down the path when Ralof hissed, [color=9E9E9E]"Wait!"[/color] Elle instinctively crouched, looking up at the sky as the huge black dragon soared over head, a roar echoing around the ground below as he disappeared over the mountains in the distance. She sighed with relief when it didn't see them and stood once more. [color=9E9E9E]"No way to know if anyone else made it out alive. But this place is going to be crawling with imperials soon enough. We'd better clear out of here,"[/color] Ralof stated practically, and started striding down the hill. [color=00B2EE]"No complaint there," [/color]Elle replied, glad to be clear of that place and free again. Now maybe Jym would go away and stop giving her that loathing look since she had sassed him. Her instinct was to comment on it, but her rational side decided that such a thing would have a negative effect on her health. He seemed like the type who couldn't take a joke. She had half a mind to ask if if he and Nilovas were brothers.