Elle glanced over her shoulder at Nilovas as Jym disappeared and couldn't help but smile slightly. [color=00B2EE]"I hate to gossip behind people's backs, but he's a bit of a stick-in-the-mud,"[/color] she remarked rather bluntly. Ralof cast her a warning glance, as if to caution her on what she said. Now that she did think about it, she probably shouldn't have commented at all, but she couldn't help herself. If her mouth had a filter, it probably needed changed. She cleared her throat and went on, [color=00B2EE]"Uh, anyway, I never got to thank you properly for saving my butt back there. I owe you one," [/color]she stated, looking forward at the cobblestone path ahead of them. Thank goodness they were out of there though. Now she could go to Falkreath, maybe get some help from that family friend of hers to get back on her feet and some coin in her pocket. Well, if there was one thing she learned from this experience, it was that Skyrim was not very big on hospitality. Or fixing their criminal justice system. Someone should probably look into that. [color=00B2EE]"Where are we headed?" [/color]she asked Ralof. [color=9E9E9E]"Riverwood. My sister, Gerdur, will be happy to help. Plus, Whiterun is just beyond that and should be warned of the dragon attack. Maybe they'll send troops to defend Riverwood,"[/color] Ralof explained. Elle nodded, [color=00B2EE]"Sounds reasonable enough. Though, if I'm not mistaken, Whiterun has some Imperial influence. Wouldn't that be dangerous?"[/color] [color=9E9E9E]"For me, possibly, but you're not a Stormcloak soldier, so you'll be fine,"[/color] he replied.