Rose nodded slowly as the creature introduced himself. "Uh-huh. I'm sure we'll be great friends, uh... Unyat." Her grin slowly grew. "Alright, Unyat the Seeker... Gods." She lowered her staff, once again using it to support herself. "So, you're not the hostile sort of creature are you? I'm assuming so, since you haven't attacked us yet. If that's so you can be sure that I won't attack you either." Rose said with a small wink, unsure if the creature would understand what a wink was. Rose spoke again, "Well, if you're not going to attack us, I'll go and inform my companions, who seem to have conveniently disappeared. That must mean they trust my ability to protect them! I'm sure. It's nice to know that they have so much faith in me. I mean, they wouldn't just leave me to get killed by some sort of eldritch abomination, right? Uh, no offense, Unyat." Rose wasn't really talking to him anymore- she was talking for her own benefit, reveling in her own train of thought. She cleared her throat, "Well, uh, I'm going to... yeah..." She said, beginning to back away towards the lake midway through her sentence. Rose found that their party had grew since she last saw them. "Oh! Little Luciel, Gish, it appears you've made a new fr-" She stopped mid-sentence, sniffing the air. What was that [i]smell[/i]? She followed it slowly, and found herself slowly edging closer towards the new arrival. She approached him quickly, moving her face unreasonably close to his body and sniffing him. She backed away. "I don't like the way you smell." She stated plainly, offering no explanation for her strange behavior. "Anyways... the monster. His name is Unyat, and it doesn't seem like he means us any harm. All the same I'd be wary of him... and this one as well." She said, gesturing towards William. Despite her serious tone a sly smile still graced her face. She would've also warned them to be wary of Victor, but it wasn't hard to tell that he'd already become accepted into their group. Rose moved to examine the lake. She looked into it making a queer face. The lake bottom was completely smooth, with no evident pathway for the water to drain itself from. "Hmmmmm... how strange... no river, no hole to drain into... this cavern has quite the mystery going, wouldn't you agree?" She said to no one in particular. "Perhaps we should just leave. After all, poking around places like this rarely helps... although I would like to know what those scarecrows are. And that cottage could have something in it... who knows?" She said with a coy smile. "I'll leave the decision to... Miss Gish." She said, nodding to herself, clearly pleased with her decision to not decide and her notion to pick the group's leader without input from the others. Rose had seemed to have taken the leading role in the group for herself, but even Rose knew that this wasn't a great idea. Who in their right mind would let Rose lead? That would simply be asking for trouble. "If I might add, I don't really like this place, although I am curious about it. But don't let me influence your decision." It seemed like Rose was intent on arguing both sides. "I do have one more piece of advice that may influence our decision to investigate. The scarecrows... I am at least seventy-eight percent sure that they have been made by a witch." Seventy-eight was an arbitrary number, as Rose was actually quite certain they were of witch-origin. "Although... well, I'm sure most of you don't really know all that much about witches, so allow me to provide some exposition. Witch's aren't necessarily evil, you see... of course stories would have you believe otherwise, but there's an important distinction to be made. Witches, you see, come in two varieties." Rose held up two fingers to cement the idea. "You see, there are the witch's that most of you are familiar with, which are called Malevolent Witches. The evil sort, you know? But there are also Benevolent Witches. They're technically witches, but instead of doing the typical 'witch' things they're more like... folk healers. They use White Magic. While the Malevolent sort uses Black Magic. Simple, right?" Rose wrapped up her explanation that no one actually asked for. There were much more caveats to the classification of witches, but Rose didn't care to explain them. "Of course I'm explaining this because I suspect the witch that made those uses White Magic and I'm feeling helpful." She gave a wink to Gish and then took a seat, deciding to be a simple observer of what the group would do.