[@Dark Eternity][@pockets] Michael came to, and the muffling arguments became louder until his hearing returned to normal. A girl with a small frame was yelling at him and he stood back up in his tattered clothes and looked at her confused and frustrated. He simply raised his hands up and screamed at her. [color=9e0b0f]"SUKA BLYAT! NIET AMERICANA!"[/color] He throw his hands down and just rolled his eyes as he looked at Magneto and Nightwalker. Where the hell was Samantha when you needed her. [color=9e0b0f]"Mewtant"[/color] He pointed to himself and shook his head. [color=9e0b0f]Hewman. No Mewtant. Home.[/color] He pointed off to somewhere in the distance even though he didn't really know where how was. On top of it, he seemed to struggle with what English words he knew. He looked to Magneto and repeated the same thing only for him to chuckle and shook his head. "My dear boy you are most certainly a mutant and I specifically told Nightcrawler here to be careful when retrieving you. You have very interesting powers that could have killed him should he have touched you." Michael, not understanding a word of what Magneto said minus the word "mutant", simply rolled his eyes and gave them all an exhausted glare.