Wait no longer~ [hider=Hyun-Sik Yi] [center][img]http://oi63.tinypic.com/34xf48n.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [color=0054a6]Name:[/color] [sub][i]Yi, Hyun-Sik[/i][/sub] [color=0054a6]Nickname:[/color] [sub][i]The Dragon (this is what the other students refer to him as due to his rank in the school)[/i][/sub] [color=0054a6]Date of Birth:[/color] [sub][i]December 2, 1997[/i][/sub] [color=0054a6]Age:[/color] [sub][i]18[/i][/sub] [color=0054a6]Gender:[/color] [sub][i]Male[/i][/sub] [color=0054a6]Sexuality:[/color] [sub][i]Heterosexual[/i][/sub] [color=0054a6]Relationship Status:[/color] [sub][i]Single[/i][/sub] [hr][hr] [center][img]http://oi67.tinypic.com/j6su2b.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [color=0054a6]Group:[/color] [sub][i]White Tigers[/i][/sub] [color=0054a6]Occupation:[/color] [sub][i]Full-time student. He refuses to take on a part-time job and risk hurting his grades[/i][/sub] [color=0054a6]Room Number:[/color] [sub][i]TBA[/i][/sub] [color=0054a6]In-depth Appearance:[/color] [sub][i]Standing at 5’10” and weighing about 160lbs, Hyun-Sik is of average build for a teenage boy. He has a slight tan, but his skin is fair and unblemished from spending most of his time indoors. Overall, his most distinguishing feature is his deceptively charming smile. It makes him appear more friendly than he really is, and he often uses this to his advantage. Coming from a wealthy family, Hyun-Sik owns a variety of designer clothes. He wears his status on his sleeve, per se, as he uses his attire to show just how much higher he is in status than the other students. Everything is visibly expensive, from his hats to his shoes.[/i][/sub] [hr][hr] [center][img]http://oi63.tinypic.com/2a686l0.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [color=0054a6]Habits | Oddities | Quirks:[/color] [sub][i]• Chews on the end of his pencil when deep in thought • Has a semi-eidetic memory • Won’t eat anything with an unusual color (dyed frosting, eggplants, etc…) • The volume on any electronic device must be set on a multiple of five (i.e: 45%)[/i][/sub] [color=0054a6]Hobbies:[/color] [sub][i]• Studying • Reading • Number puzzles • Playing piano (music is good exercise for the brain)[/i][/sub] [color=0054a6]Secrets:[/color] [sub][i]• Even though he is the first ranked student in the school, Hyun-Sik feels dissatisfied with his life • His fear of the dark • He has a soft spot for kids[/i][/sub] [color=0054a6]Likes:[/color] [sub][i]• Success • Classical music • Poetry • People who value their education • Winning debates • Visual artwork[/i][/sub] [color=0054a6]Dislikes:[/color] [sub][i]• Sweets • Loud noises • Being surprised • Slackers • Spiders (he isn’t afraid of them, but he thinks they’re gross)[/i][/sub] [color=0054a6]Fears:[/color] [sub][i]• Failure • Total darkness • Lightning[/i][/sub] [hr][hr] [center][img]http://oi64.tinypic.com/x0qo7l.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [color=0054a6]Personality:[/color] [sub][i][b]Intelligent.[/b] Hyun-Sik is extremely bright and quick-witted. He can solve problems that others cannot in short periods of time, and he only needs to put in minimal effort in order to ace a test. He also excels in debates and other areas where a sharp mind is required, silencing all opposition with his silver tongue. Because of this gift, he is the top student at Sevit Academy, and he makes sure everyone knows it. [b]Strong work ethic.[/b] Even though Hyun-Sik can pull a perfect score without much effort, he spends long hours studying and memorizing the content of every test he takes. He is a perfectionist that will not settle for anything less than the best, and it shows in all aspects of his life. Every character he writes is done with a flourish; every piano piece he plays is completed without a blunder. He is attentive to detail and despises mistakes. [b]Arrogant.[/b] Because of his high status both in school and in society, Hyun-Sik has an ego that’s too big for his own good. He has elevated himself above all others in his mind, and he isn’t afraid to let them know. To him, they are all just pawns to be used and toys to be played with. This mentality makes it difficult for him to build quality relationships with anyone and also spawns many enemies. [b]Manipulative.[/b] The most negative side effect of having a genius brain is the cruel things one can do with it. In Hyun-Sik’s case, he uses his intellect to manipulate others towards his own, personal gains. He plays on the insecurities and ignorance of his peers, even going so far as to threaten them in order to get what he wants. He tells lies smoothly and seems to feel no regrets for stepping on the people who get in his way.[/i][/sub] [color=0054a6]Place of Origin:[/color] [sub][i]Seoul, South Korea[/i][/sub] [color=0054a6]History:[/color] [sub][i]Hyun-Sik was born into a wealthy family in the capital and heart of South Korea. His father was a banker and his mother was a reputable name in the fashion industry. Because of this, he grew up in the lap of luxury. Servants waited on his every beck and call and he had access to all the latest technology. However, even though he grew up to be a brat, he never fully fit the stereotype of a spoiled rich one. Instead, he became determined to follow in his parents’ footsteps and make a name for himself through hard work and personal success. He was even more motivated to do this when his mother was hospitalized. Hyun-Sik was only twelve at the time, but he still remembers her stroke as if it were yesterday. The doctors had no idea what caused it. All they knew was that she had been so physically damaged that she was unable to leave the hospital afterwards. Hyun-Sik’s father was devastated, and he coped with his emotions by drowning himself in a sea of work, leaving his son to fend for himself. Hyun-Sik reacted similarly. He began pouring even more time and effort into his school work, devoting himself to maintaining perfect grades so he could become a successful man that his bedridden mother would be proud of. However, over the course of the next few years, his goals had become warped. His continuous successes at Sevit Academy left him with a feeling of superiority that changed the way he viewed his peers. He became a less likeable person, looking down on anyone he deemed less intelligent or less important to society than himself and treating them the same way. As a result of his character change, most of Hyun-Sik’s friends left him and no one else even bothered trying to get close to him. He was still reluctantly respected by the other students for his perfect grades, but apart from that he wasn’t admired by them in the slightest. As clever as he was, their disgust didn’t go unnoticed by Hyun-Sik. He refused to take responsibility for his actions though, as his pride wouldn’t allow it. After all, he saw himself as a better person than they, so he couldn’t believe they were right. Instead, he began taking out his frustrations by manipulating and bullying the other students, treating them like toys for his own amusement. Now in his senior year, Hyun-Sik harbors a secret regret for ruining his relationships with his peers, but he feels like he is too deep-rooted in his ways to bother trying to change so he continues to treat them poorly. [/i][/sub] [hider=Misc]I like a lot of actors, so I’ll just say Leonardo DiCaprio since I watched “The Great Gatsby” recently[/hider] [/hider]