[quote=@Saarebas] Okay I am back with a less mush filled brain! [@HurrFer] He looks pretty great, the blunt elf with a mighty hammer is a approved. [@knighthawk] Uh just to check did you make any changes to him because I really didn't notice any. Oh and again his race wouldn't be Qun. Qun is a religion and the people who fallow it are Qunari, if he never fallowed it like my character he would be a Vashoth. Or if he once fallowed it but no longer does he would be a Tal-Vashoth [/quote] Yes and no. I cut and pasted the origional to edit, made the edits, cut and pasted to make sue if the site sneezed I didnt loose my work....And I posted the unedited origional...*headesk* Anyways, yes he knows what the religion is and the scripture, but because of his amnesia, he does not feel like he is of the faith. But I will change his species from Qun to Vashoth. And now I edited the CS, again.