An old man and an irradiated dog enter Pandora's Tears, almost kicking the door open, an alive glowing one on the old man's shoulder attempts to thrash out in a violent rage, a muzzle stopping it from biting while a strait jacket and ankle restraints keep it from moving and tearing anything apart. [b]"Get a strong scotch ready and the location of something dangerous out there on a map."[/b] the old man happily orders before dropping the ghoul, smiling slightly with the satisfying thud the imprisoned creature creates. After attaching a leash to a collar the old man drags the annoyed ghoul to the bar where the man sits on a nearby stool and the dog starts resting beside the stool. [b]"Don't mind the bait, have it in line for my welcoming hunt."[/b] The old man states heartily to Rusty after looping the leash around another stool, the feral thing straining to no avail, attempting to lash out at the floor.