[center][img]http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b503/sleepingtusk/cooltext190799098872072_zpszantnxw1.png[/img][/center] [center][b][i]After Time skip[/i][/b][/center] [center][b][i]2nd Day, Early Morning[/i][/b][/center] Sacqui Shikoba had arrived at the academy late...near enough a whole day late to be exact, she'd barely had time to take everything in before the night drew in. Which was why she was up and out at the crack of dawn, eager to explore what she could before lessons started. As the sun peeked over the horizon, Feather was sat on a grassy bank beside the river with a tattered leather journal in her lap and a pencil tucked between her fingers. The river was alive with activity in the early morning sun, it's aquatic residents lazily drifted through its depths whilst insects of many shapes and sizes danced across it's surface, illuminated by the warming rays of the morning sun. Nothing was quite as colorful as the array of dragonflies -whose size alone demanded sovereignty over the smaller insects- as they zipped to and fro. These creatures were both cautious and curious of the girl by the edge of the water, who was content with observing them from afar. Her eyes flickered left, right and center as she watched the dragonflies dip and dive through the air, showing off their impressive aerial control. The insects weren't the only thing that caught her eye, occasionally her pencil flickered across the page, creating scruffy outlines a few of the rivers residents as they dawdled by or capturing the gentle rustle of the reeds nestled by it's banks. [color=yellow]"I'd draw one of you, if you'd stay still long enough"[/color] She murmured under her breath as a dragonfly flashed past her eyes, before turning back to hover beside her just long enough for her to take in his majestic appearance. She was able to appreciate the intricate coloring of his slender body, the ultramarine shade of his underbelly that seemed to reach up the side of his abdomen to mingle with the electric blue casing of his back. His ethereal wings appeared as little more than a blur of movement by his side, though she tried to spot the speck of color at the tip of his wings aware of his telescopic eyes studying her whilst she studied him. Their encounter was short lived, for in a blink of an eye, the dragonfly moved on. Dropping altitude and sweeping across the surface of the river. She tried to follow his movements but he seemed to meld into the glistening water, fading from sight faster than she'd thought possible. [color=yellow]"Good enough"[/color] She commented, committing his image to the page in front of her. [color=yellow]"Gotcha'...my little master of illusion"[/color] A smile lifted the edges of her mouth as she studied the rough sketch of the curious insect. [color=yellow]"Leela ampaytu keen washtay* "[/color] She told herself closing the journal and getting to her feet. Slipping the journal into her satchel, Feather gingerly made her way along the river bank, enjoying the soft feel of the grass and the rhythm of the earth beneath her bare feet. She had a lot to think about as she wandered towards the main building, running her fingers through her hair, she exhaled a puff of air and took in her surroundings. With time ticking on, a new layer of energy seemed to spread throughout the academy, with its content citizens setting about their daily routines and students heading out to school. Feather was in no hurry to join them, there was still so much of the academy she hadn't seen yet [color=yellow]"Where to next?"[/color] she mused, pulling her satchel higher on her shoulder. Unfortunately, her procrastinating was brought to an abrupt end as the bell rung, warning students that they had lessons to get to(?). [color=yellow][i]'Decision made'[/i][/color] Feather thought as she quickened her pace and headed into the school building. (*Today is a good day)