[center][h2][color=fff79a]Emi[/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/5P8mwoE.png[/img][/center] He tottally brushed off the fact she had been using his shower! Also Emi had apparently awoken the beast from his slumber. He clearly needed a shower too but she accepted him as he was now since he probably didn't want to be rude by waking her to shower before her. She shifted her arms as she had both hands bundeld together in front of her lap. Her face was still beetle red as he spoke to her and her eyes were pointed firmly at the ground in front of her. [center][color=fff79a]"G-good morning Luke... Hehehe.. I guess you should have slept next to me then hehe... Your cushion hurts a bit though, it gave me a giant bump on the back hehe..."[/color][/center] Emi relaxed a little and looked up at Luke who was now standing too. She swung her body around a little to do something while standing stil as the blush on her face almost disappeared. [center][color=fff79a]"I would have done the same in your situation. I have a form of sleeping disorder. Luckily it isn't random though so it isn't as bad as it would have been. I go to sleep when there is no light, well no sun to be exact. Artificial light only keeps me awake lightly hehe."[/color][/center] She titled her upper body to the left slightly and awkwardly laughed. He said to not forget her bag that was still in Luke his room. She hastily grabbed the thing and walked towards the front door again. [center][color=fff79a]"Don't bother don't bother. I wish to be of no bother to you. You have done plenty for me already! Oh I am borrowing your towel though... My hair is like a soaked puppy so I don't want to make everyone wet on my way hehe. Bai bai!"[/color][/center] She went of quickly towards her own room where she would make herself ready for the morning classes.