Inside Pandora's Tears, amongst the more normal patrons, sat a large figure in a darkened corner of the room. He took up two seats with his girth, wore no shirt, and drank from a small barrel of wine, which he had purchased with the last of his caps. A backpack large as you average man sat on the floor next to this figure, while a highly advanced [url=]rocket launcher[/url] with paint of the Old World American flag hung from his shoulder by a strap. A large bone, a femur from a brahmin, sat strapped to the side of the enormous backpack. Most averted their eyes from this hulking brute of a man (though he would take great offense to being called a brute). To those that looked upon him, keeping to himself, they would see a super mutant. One of the oldest super mutants still alive. Joshua's attention was grabbed as an old man entered the bar, dragging with him a feral ghoul kept restrained. The mutant raised an eyebrow at this scene which had completely absorbed his focus, so much so that he failed to notice anyone else enter the tavern. Joshua listened intently as he referred to the glowing feral ghoul as "bait" and he let out a deep sigh. Standing upright, rocket launcher over his right shoulder and barrel of wine in his left hand, he approached the old man and his dog. [color=darkgreen]"Pardon me sir,"[/color] he began speaking, his deep voice carrying more than he would have liked, but could not help. [color=darkgreen]"But I have to point out the various moral trappings of what you intend to do with your captive. For one, this ghoul is a glowing one. Keeping it with you means that you are absorbing radiation, and bringing it here is a danger to all our fellow patrons. Second, this was once a person, so I think it deserves that respect. Rather than use it as bait for the native wildlife, I believe you should end its misery. Let it join with whatever afterlife it believed in before losing its mind."[/color] He took a large swing of his wine, drops of red running down his chin and dripping to the floor. Then the mutant wiped his face with his arm, before looking right at the glowing ghoul. [color=darkgreen]"I am sorry for you."[/color]