[center][h3][color=#d40b0b]Zephyr Heidrich[/color][/h3][/center] [hr] [color=#d40b0b][i]”Solid read.”[/i][/color] Zephyr mentally commented as he savored the bittersweet storyline Kaori Ozaki infused with his very being. The ending was the ribbon that perfectly wrapped up the present, leaving the reader’s imagination as the sole torch bearer to continue the protagonists’ story. There wasn’t a single doubt that the conclusion was contrived. Although he relished the thought of walking hand in hand with Rio and Natsuru through their future days, his mind was already preoccupied with what he would sink his teeth into next. Right now, the current contestants were Nelson DeMille's [i]Plum Island[/i] and Tom Clancy's [i]Rainbow Six[/i]. The student raised the closed book high while it lead his eyes along upon its ascent. The article of literature blocked out the slivers of light that managed to permeate the tree overhead. His gaze lingered for a few moments more before he deposited the manga into his satchel. After patting off the blades of grass that were way too adamant about clinging to his pants, something finally surfaced in his conscious. [color=#d40b0b][i]”Oh right, I have to see Mr… Harbor…? No, it was Haggard. Wait, wait… Hargor.”[/i][/color] Students passed by as the boy stood there, in the midst of an internal debate over the teacher’s name. After he finally honed in on it, another obstruction laid in his path. [color=#d40b0b][i]”Where’s his office?”[/i][/color] Any passerby would see a boy standing aimlessly under a tree, appearing to lack a brain or any form of sentience. But on the contrary, a hectic war of mayhem was being waged within the poor kid’s mind. He finally came to the decision that he would simply ask around. Surely somebody would be apt to dispense some good will unto him. [b]A few moments later…[/b] [color=#d40b0b]”This is hopeless…”[/color] Zephyr cried monotone with half of his body over the window pane, almost as if he was about to leap headfirst to the ground stories below. The boy had entered the academy life with the comfort that he was outfitted with at least a meager measure of preparedness. Oh, how crippling the costs of naivety were. Already socially inept, he found the concept of intruding upon somebody’s conversation beyond the boundaries of possibility. Even as he aimlessly strolled through the hallways like a piteous puppy that had lost its owner, the boy had been relentlessly broadsided with one social happening after another. There were even people making out, how was that even possible?! It was only the second day! Zephyr knew the human brain could be persuaded by sudden… [i]urges[/i], but seriously, how could such feelings ripen and come into fruition so quickly? The boy raked his head and thoughts simultaneously as he attempted to find some clarity in this confounding situation. His spirit only held up for only a little while before relinquishing the campaign, [color=#d40b0b]”I’m never going to find Mr. Hargor’s office...”[/color] Suddenly, his ears focused on the sound of footsteps approaching him at the speed of light. His peripheral vision noticed a figure race towards him from behind and fly through the window. Yet again another event where he was but a mere bystander occurred right before him, during which the only power bestowed upon him was to let out his low, but ultimately unheard [color=#d40b0b]”Oh.”[/color] He quickly identified the student as a male in the split second upon his descent. The guy called out back to him, [b]”Just follow the underground access door in the main haaaaaaaaaaaaall!”[/b] His gradually faintening voice answered throughout his plummet. The grip around the window pain only tightened as Zephyr traced his shrinking shape. Even though on his exterior the boy appeared to be his emotionless self, his mind was currently inwardly shitting itself. But he had already anticipated how this would play out. At ground level, the student was met with a wave of applause as he bleated his speed with his control over the air and primly landed on both feet. He turned away from the crowd to meet Zephyr vacant gaze and gave the first year an affable wave. The darkness user could finally breathe again when he released his grip. If that whole entire event had been depicted in a book, it would have been deemed generic and would have reflected the writer’s capacity for originality. But thankfully this was reality. In all honesty, sometimes one just needs a mundane experience to offset the vast amount of insanity lurking in this world. [b]At Kano Hargor’s Office[/b] Zephyr gave a thorough knock on the door. As much as he tried to fix his posture, there was nothing he could do about his bland complexion. [@Zelosse]