Cs Name: Ainmire (AHN-meer) nickname: mad wolf king Gender: Male Age: 28 Species: Human. profession: king of Azaera Born in: Azaera, Kirza Fu Alignment: Chaotic Evil Appearance: [img]http://fantastic-art.ru/images/2015/01/Legend-Of-The-Cryptids-by-Eve-Ventrue-17.jpg[/img] Personality: Short temperd and foul mouthed, this man is one you do not want as your enemy. He does not know the word mercy and takes what he wants, this includes Kingdoms and woman alike. Being in hes precence will install fear in your very being. Bio: Ainmire was born as the crown prince of Azeara, a Kingdom who shared the westerns lands together in peace with others. From a young age it was clear he excelled in the arts of fighting with his main weapon being a Claymore. At the age of 18 his Kingdom was attacked by another kingdome forcing him to take command of the royal army. He soon triomphed and returned home, putting the head of the enemy king on a spike. Showing it to all who passed by the gates of the royal keep. His father became saddend with this act and dismissed him from the army sending him towards Kirza-Fu, to spend his time in prayer. There he met a Deami, a demonic priest who taught him the dark arts. After 3 years of solice within the mountains of Kirza-fu, Ain, as he was know by his family, retuned towards the Royal keep, having redeemd himself in the eye's of his father. It soon became clear that the temple mountains had done nothing good to his behavior for he started to plunder and manslaughter on a daily basis, enjoying he torturing of man. This continued for another 4 years before his father disowned his son, and made his only daughter heir to the throne. Outraged, Ain rallied his men and took over the throne with violence, killing his father and mother, sparing only his sister. He made her swear off any claim to the throne and exciled her. Now with nothing in his way, he raised his army once again and started to conquer all the country's within his reach, devouring them like a mad wolf would do with a deer, earning him the nickname mad wolf king. Right now his kingdom has stopped attacking other nations like Bomen, for they are gathering strenght, Orcs, goblin's and withces are welcomed with open arms in his army. Power 1: Swordskills, He is an unmatched swordsman. Power 2: He posesses dark magic, abeling him to use shadows and dive deep within someone's soul, torturing them Likes: woman, obidiance, killing, power and fear for him. Dislikes: rebellion, betrayal, weaklings and Elves Family: Father: Ainmore Mother: Cermire Sister: Gwena Friends: his claymore Sentimental Attachment: His throne, Weapon: Claymore [img]https://www.weaponmasters.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/1200x1200/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/r/o/royal_scottish_claymore_sword_w_display_plaque_handle.jpg[/img]