[h3][color=yellow]Dorothy[/color][/h3] Dorothy stood in the halls, holding a broom in her hands, her eyes closed and she was lightly snoring. Last night, she thought that she should do one last sweeping before heading to bed, but apparently, she had fallen asleep some time in the middle of the night due to exhaustion. She jumped with a yelp when she heard Marcus call to her, telling her that he was heading out to patrol. She squeaked to herself nervously with realization, "[color=yellow]Wha-?! Wait, it's morning already?! Oh no! I fell asleep again?![/color]" She then ran to a window and peeked to see that it was indeed daytime, and Marcus was walking away from the house. As she looked at Marcus's retreating figure, her heart yearned for her to go with him. But alas, she has her own job, or rather jobs, to do. As per routine, she went to Marcus's study and sure enough, the paperwork was scattered about once again. She sighed and shook her head. Now normally this would annoy someone, but not her. She had a feeling that he was irritated by the paperwork, and thus he threw the papers to get rid of that irritation. She'd bet that she would be irritated too if she had to deal with so much boring paperwork. She picked up the papers and reorganized them before stacking them into a neat straight stack and setting them on the desk for the Hatter, so that he wouldn't have to go around and search for everything he would need later. She then cleaned the Hatter's study until it was practically sparkling with cleanliness. She moved on to sweep, mop, vacuum, and dust the rest of the really large house. As she cleaned, she noticed that she seemed to be alone so she sang and danced while she cleaned in order to get the chores done as quickly and thoroughly as possible. Her anxieties melted away as she perform cleaned the house, treating it like a partner as well as the setting in her dance. She also thought about what else she needed to do. There was the fact that she needed to set up the tea room for teatime. Also, wasn't there an event coming up that she needed to plan a party for? ...Maybe she was just thinking of the Unbirthdays again. Of course there will be a party to plan! Her melodious voice started a different song, improvising on a melody, making it fast and upbeat than what people would normally sing for this song, "[i][color=yellow]Twas brillig and the slithy toves, Did gyre and gimble in the wabe. All mimsy were the borogoves And the momeraths outgrabe, Beware the Jabberwock, my son, The jaws that bite, The claws that catch, Beware the Jub Jub bird And shun the frumious Bandersnatch,[/color][/i]" [hr] [h3][color=Silver]King Reginald Salazar[/color][/h3] King Reginald sat on his throne in the Grand Hall in the Castle of Light, going through the paperwork in his hands, while playing chess with one of his knights. He had already sent a couple of his men to go and pick up some paperwork from Marcus D. Hatter. Most of the paperwork he had, held good news showing that his people were prospering for the most part. Of course, there were the ones that involved the Red Queen. He sighed tiredly and he wondered to himself mentally, "[i][color=silver]Scarlet....What would it take to sate your boredom forever? What will it take for you to stop?[/color][/i]" As he thought this, he moved his white knight and told the knight patiently and with a small smile, "[color=silver]Checkmate, Ash. I believe I have won this game,[/color]" The knight sighed and answered Reginald, "Indeed you have, Your Majesty. You still remain undefeated," Reginald told the knight, "[color=silver]Don't give up on winning just yet, Ash. Next time, try to think five steps ahead and of every situation, and you'll win next time,[/color]" Ash nodded and thanked him, "Thank you, Your Majesty. I believe I should go on patrol now," Reginald nodded and the knight asked, "Your Highness...if we stumble upon an Alice, should we bring them to you?" Reginald answered "[color=silver]Only if they are lost. If they explicitly state that they wish to go to Hatter's Estates, or anyplace other than the Red Queen's castle, then you are to help them there. Is that understood?[/color]" Ash nodded and answered "Yes, Your Highness. Thank you," Reginald shook his head and chuckled "No no, Ash. Thank you. Now hurry along," Ash bowed before he headed out of the castle. Reginald leaned back against the throne. He wanted to go out and check on his people for himself and see if there were any Alices out there. But...he knew it was folly to leave the castle unprotected. He stood up from his throne and decided to head for his Gardens. As he walked, he pondered in thought. He had a peculiar feeling in his stomach. Something about today...told him that this day would be much different than any other day. He wondered if the Queen was planning an attack or if she was planning something else that was just insidious. He hoped that the cause for the feeling was better than what he was thinking. Well, only time will tell him.