[h2][u]A Few Notes[/u][/h2] [b][x][/b] First of all, sorry I've been off, and not very responsive of late. I seem to have a curse that whenever I try and get something underway on here, the cosmos aligns to increase my workload. At any rate, I still want to move forward with the RP, it just might take me a bit longer than I expected. Hopefully I'll have the [color=orange]OOC ready by this next Saturday[/color]. [b][x][/b] To answer the questions of [@Roosan] and [@FluffyOne], the creation of your knights will be covered in detail in the OOC, but overall, I'd like the feel of the story to be more aligned to the legendary, chivalric ideals associated with the tales of King Arthur. This will definitely not be an RP rooted deeply in real history. [b][x][/b] Lastly, thank you all again for your interest in this. I hope to see many of you (eventually) in the OOC!