Name: Order-Sol AKA Axel Noontide Age: 23 Male [color=0072bc]Offensive: Create and manipulate fire[/color] [color=f7941d]Defensive: Sturdy body[/color] [color=fff200]Enhancement: Enhanced Agility and reflexes[/color] Appearance: [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Bio: Axel has always dreamed of becoming a hero all his childhood, so when the fate has gifted him with his powers he yelled with excitement to the sky that he will become the best. After some years of training he became a vigilante to fight crime. Unfortunately in one of his many tries in saving people he got civilians caught in the in the middle of it, the civilians were killed and Axel tried to kill the criminal.Luckily he was stopped by the police and they gave him 2 choices... either try to redeem himself by joining the legal superhero team or get thrown into jail for life. Well... his dreams were achievable after all.